Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Round 到此一游

Hi Hi...all

know of this blog from dear EE...but im a lazy piece of meat...plus every day face e comp for like 8 hrs... come back home dun feel like looking at it anymore...

Have seen you guys putting a lot of stuff up here..heh heh can tell that wynne is exploding... never mind...next time we see her... we will help you wack her...ok?
sometimes just dun understand, why are some pple just this childish...after all we are educated, have gone thru proper upbringing...so why are there such irritating pple... what a waste of oxygen..

and at times like this... i missed school life the most... as much as i hated study... i enjoy e freedom and the time.. and e personal space... and the luxury of diao-ing pple when i bu4 shuai3 them... Now, in office if i diao pple, think i dun need to report to work tmr le..

having said all these... bet these nasty pple must have bad experiences when they started out working and now they are some sort of like having this "its my turn" kind of mentality...so we must always keep watch of ourselves... having going thru all the bad times, we mustn't change the innocence or purity that we have.. societal wave can change our personality unknowingly... but that's not the excuse to be like one of those apples....

i hope i dun get to philosophical here... dun know if i got that word spelt correctly...aiyah... so this blog shall help the 7 of us keep a look out for one another...dun bottle things up... anything to complain, complain... we may not be of any help, but the least we could do is listen...

shall not compete with YZ to be the longest essay... so boring... :)

oh btw, the background is kinda hard to see... the contrast quite glaring... bad for eyes bad for eyes...

and ohh oh... im finally "myopical", 50 on the left and 75 on the right... gotten my specs... for 80 bucks... ahah... wear for fun la...

hmm so eeling, you have the precious pair of eyes here...

ok la ok la... i going zzZZ... see u guys soon ... my apologies for not turning up always... cos in office im oways handling some admin and support thingy... so sometimes have to bring work home during weekend to complete my own reviews... hai yah... im like sai gang warrior...

its ok la... we will survive...

take care yah...


Sunday, October 29, 2006


The world is so fake.
Dat day i jus broke down....
i din wan to...
told myself to b strong...but its easier said den b done...
supervisor pretending to b superly nice to u..
telling u dat she will pull u back for finals...
loads o shit...
behind ur back go ard telling ppl how lousy u r...
and requesting manager for a new A1 for finals.
tell me..wads e pt in slogging so hard?????
i felt damn sad......
words cant express my emotions...
life still go on i guess.
jus hope all o u guys doing fine.
we mus all b strong...n not give up k...


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Still Believe - KTV marathon

For consecutive 3 days, i've been going singing. Its kinda crazy. Especially recently i've been learning the new duet song by Cao Ge and Vivian - "I Still Believe"...

That day, we repeated the song for more than 20 times (i mean it!).... Wei is now officially our "Girl" part queen.. after nth times, wei's singing improved drastically, i was so so amazed and impressed! I think that song quite suit her voice, very touching voice indeed.

I shall hereby announce: Wei is MY singing partner! Dont snatch her away from ME! SHE IS MINE!!

P.S I miss #703


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Down and Out

Went to ktv with wei, yz and first grade abalonie just now. I drived. I "bang" into a corner while going up the multi story carpark. My first reaction: FUCK! End of story. I hate it. There goes my months of salary. Its a pretty bad scratch and dent. Can ask the other witnesses. I was so traumatised and sian that i suddenly had very bad gastric pains.

The problem is'nt the money. Its my sister. Tmr morning and the following mornings, dont think i will sit in her car.
Few examples of her sms when i told her abt it over sms.
1. Fuck. Pay big deal?! I warn you first, its gonna cost a bomb.
2. Why you go and fucking spoil my day.

My day is gone too. Or should i say many of the days ahead. Things have not been good for me already. I've been on a cold war with a very very good friend. Now, things just get worse. Thousands of dollars is gone... YAY!

Conclusion: I'm a bad driver AND a lousy friend.

-- EE --

My first post here

Hi everyone, i'm finally here already!Finally...got a day off that I dun have to go back to work...the past two weeks have been so hectic for me...and even weekends olso gotta go and work. Sigh...think the next few weeks will only get worse...hopefully I still got the time to meet up with u guys...I'm soo superly tired from this, everyday having to work til 12 plus 1 plus and my cough has not even recover yet. To make things worse, I even sprained my ankle last week and til now, still not fully recovered yet. But no matter what, I'll still try to endure and perserve, but pardon me if I keep having to yawn whenever I meet you all, cos I'm really tired. Anyway, thanks for all ur concerns, and always having to listen to me nag at times..but I can't really help it...sometimes I jus feel so down and lousy esp recently and I really need someone to tok to or even jus a company will do.

Sigh, can't wait for our next outing...the other day planned so many activities abt gg sentosa, settlers cafe and ktv etc...and everything is like not fulfilled yet..sigh...so sorrie that everything is postponed..haha..is it cos of me that u all din go? But u all can go ahead with those activities yourselves, if I can make it, I'll definately join u guys. Haha...and I really miss mahjong session now...haha...when can I play again? I hope I can still rmb how to play the next time..haha...Must keep me updated on any news k?

Anyway, how are you now, Jing? Hope you are coping well over there..must take good care of yourselves k and keep us posted on what's happening over there. I'll try my best to update you on what's happening down here as well..Anyway, glad to know that you have recovered from your cough, must take care hor. We all miss you and all the fun that we have.

To yuan,reallie din hear from you for such so long already, if I'm not wrong, its since that day we sent Jing off rite? Are you very busy recently? Hope to meet up with u soon and to update you on our X'mas plans etc..looking forward to meet you soon!

To Wynne, so sorrie that nv really tok to you for the past two weeks..hope you will understand that I really have no choice too. Hope everything is doing fine on ur side and I very much wan to listen to all the things that's happening for the past two weeks on your side. Really miss those fridays when we will jus go TCC and sit down there and chat. Anyway, no matter wat ups and downs that you have, must try and endure too..haha...sounds familiar? Haha..that is what you told me last friday..but I think it applies to all of us ba...hahaha..Thanks for ur encouragement anyway and realie look forward to seeing you with all the complaints I have and listening to watever gossips and updates that you have.

To Bao, haha..keep saying that I nv come in here and post...haha...see la...today I write so long...haha..hope won't bore you to death. Haha..anyway, thanks for offering to come my house and keep me company last sat nite, though in the end you can't come. I really appreciate that...last week was reallie my worst week and I really feel very sad and depressed. Think I'm still not quite used to the working life then...but now I guess I feel slighly better now...though I dunno I can reallie survive this anot..but hopefully, I can ba. Anyway, you confirm wan to go tax ah? Hope everything will turn out fine for you, be it in tax or audit and if you feel down or wat, feel free to come and look for us...we will definatelly lend u our ears.

To Ling, recently then start to meet up with you more often, guess its probably all of us stay so near each other. Haha...anyway now that Jing is in UK, I noe that u will more or less feel lost and upset at times, but no matter wat, we will always be around for you..so u can always come and confide to us. Dun keep everything to yourself k and must take good care of yourself hor...

To wei, hello...haha...see u so often that i dunno wat else to say..hahaha...everything that i wan complain olso complain liao...hmmm...wat else can I say? haha...think you had a shock that day that I appear so down..but anyway dun worry la...I'm fine now...and thanks for letting me jus go ur house and sit there and rot..cos that day I jus need someone to be there with me only..anyway, u be on leave tml rite? enjoy urself then..and go and man zu ur ktv craving la...haha...see u ren for so long liao...hahaha...

Anyway, see you guys soon!


Stronger person

Some reflections from reading Wynne's last post:
I was reading her entry about the "shit" senior, as i read on, i got more and more angry.. But when i saw the paragraph that she says she had become stronger and more numb towards this kind of stuffs.. i suddenly realise that our learning process has only just begun. Working life is really the start of learning and accepting. I must praise people like wynne and yz for enduring such tough "learning process"... I guess we are all learning to accept and adapt, and ultimately to become a stronger and better person.

I want to become a stronger person. 強くなりたい!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

-work life updates fr naggy wynne-

hi guys.
Haven met u all for ages. Being pretty busy w work n stuff i guess.
Baoyu, ur encounter on e lift incident reallie made my hair stand le...i wun haf e mood to continue work on dat day if im u lo. HAHA. so happie to see so many posts in SIete...i love reading stories n updates!!! =)

Back to my work, it have been pretty ok. As least e hrs not dat long. But i haf met pretty bad seniors on my job. SHe is pretty mean. still rememba on e first day, my name was on e schedule list showing dat i was booked on her job. so she angrily stomp to e AO's desk, shouted so loudly across to e AO( as tho e other party is deaf) n insisted she wanted a replacement.i think alot o ppl heard n i felt damn embaressed le. She added and implied dat A1s r slow n lousy and dey everything oso dunno! i kept my cool. jus kept quiet. wad pisses me off was like when e AO said she do not have any A2s left to b booked on her job, e mad woman threw her tantrum n jus shouted to me n another A1 to jus go la go la..wait outside don block her way. i was like...arrrrgggh.....n she made us carry her bloody heavy lap top for her..when we need to carry down ours oso n and additional 13 files....IT WAS SO HEAVY DAT WE PRACTICALLY HAF TO DRAG ALL E BAGS INSTEAD O CARRYING DEM TO E LIFT.... =(

e following days working w her was not any betta. shes super insenitive w words use. Still rememba i haf e other A1 colleague who was totally fresh n green, with no past job experiences....n dat my senior jus went up to her...say things like, 'WHY U EVERYTHING OSO DUNNO ONE! WHY GIVE ME SUCH SHIT? I DON EVEN TREAT U AS A VACATION TRAINEE LO' , i think my fren was kinda pissed too. SHe was new and my senior din even bother to guide. SHe uses words like 'SHIT' very often, saying mean things like ' can u pls clear ur own shit don make me clear it for u?'. Most of e time she was e one using e files, and after using it, she scolds us for not clearing e files back, and e angry part was she insist dat we r not clearing our own 'SHIT'. i think her shit meant files in dis case.... *piss off siaz*

Alot more to add..but i guess u all wun wanna hear me continue nagging rite? haha. but somehow i felt working w such ppl makes me a stronger person. makes me more thick skin i guess...jus haf to endure n to learn as much as possible. wad i feel is dat everyone start off green n chai niao... everything oso dunno, as a senior, their role is to guide e whole engagement team, not to jus throw responsibilities ard...n not to throw her own stuff to others to do while happily toking on e fone ma. I guess dats e real world and im beginning to see wad dey meant by working world n politics. in time to come, perhaps i will get used to seeing n encountering more o such things. bUt all i can sae is, if by chance in anyway i b a senior next time, i wun let dis viscous cyle repeat again.

heee..sorrie, abit agitated when i type dis blog entry..so seems pretty naggy n long siaz. SORRIE AH~! haha. but other den dis job, e rest o e job assignments r pretty ok. my peers n colleagues r nice ppl la.... =)

n btw, does shiyuan noes abt e blog? ahahaha..like nv hear fr her at all le.....

k la, enuff o crap, will blog more updates e next time instead....=) TAKE CARE my dear frens!

I'm finally in here!

Hiya everyone! Pardon me for my super late posting. Wanted to post several times but realised i forgot to jot down the userid and password. And after several attempts i went to dig my MSN log history out to find it! Silly isnt it?

So how's everyone back there? Are you all doing fine? Work is tiring for most of you i know and study is tiring for me too! There's no photocopy aunty here and i have to stand in front of the photocpying machine for the whole day to copy my required readings! Hai.. so tiring and expensive to photocopy here!

K enough of complains. I've been here for more than 3 weeks now and everything is still fine. Getting use to the cold weather here as well. Been around walking in my town exploring several places and most importantly several supermarkets to see which is cheaper! Haha..

So have u all seen my pics taken in Nottingham? I know it's quite few but the internet access is really problematic. Hai.. Anyway i'll be going to London tmr and will take more pics! And next weekend's plan tentatively is either Birmingham or Oxford. Seems like a busy busy touring cum studying life here. How i wish i have more time everyday!

Btw, I have ktv craving! Hai.. no ktv in my town here.. only in Nottingham, but not sure how many chinese songs do they have there.. Hai..

Kk everyone remember to jia you for your work and also take good care of your health! Forgot to tell u all i finally recovered from my cough and flu!

I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH.. (Sad JY has no girl gang friends here to go out with me!)

Mini JY - little dumpling

Friday, October 20, 2006

A Frightening Encounter...

Hey guys,

I'm posting this cos I wan to tell u all abt my very very kong bu encounter juz now during my lunch.. My "mao" are all standing up now liaoz......... >_<

Anyway, just now during lunch, me and my collegues (2 A2s) went to Amara food court for our lunch. the food court is at the 4th floor, so we will normally take the lift fr the 1st floor up..
So, as usual, we went to the lift area wanting to take the lift up. As we arrive, I saw a woman rushing into the lift and the door is abt to close, so I quickly press the lift button to open the door. Luckily, with my quick reaction, the door opened and so we went in.
BUT.............. to my surprise, there is noone inside the lift! The lift is totally empty!! I was quite shock, but I told myself, maybe she went into another lift, cos there are 3 lifts there and I just though she went into tt lift we entered. Just when I told myself it's nothing, one of my A2 suddenly said "eh, I though I saw a woman entering?" ...........................
Gosh, by then my mao reallie stand up as I told her I also thought I saw a woman came into the lift... The 2 of us stare at each other and we told ourselves it shld be nothing, maybe we all saw wrongly and she really entered another lift. But, actually I'm quite certain that she entered that particular lift............ AHHHHH... so kong bu... >_<

Oh well, tt's the end of my story, I am reallie lousy at story telling but it's reallie quite scary and pardon me if I did not tell my story well. Haha...
Anyway, it's friday le, hope all of you will have a good rest on the weekends and be recharge to meet next week's challenges. ^_^ Anyway, Tue is a holiday again! YEAH! And I know a particular someone took leave on Monday and is gonna enjoy a long weekend... tsk tsk tsk...
Haha, kk, stay tune on siete-7 for more ghost stories!
(* I will try to brush up on my story telling skills)

A frightened Abalone

party on wed...ntu recruitment drive on thurs...

hellow..as promised..i shall post a little on my "party" on wed..hahaha..actuallie the whole idea was to get together for a farewell party for one of my colleague..i think we spent the whole night out, from 530 to 11+ and i reached home at 12+ ...>.<
anywayz...(this is the 3rd time i am repeating..it better dun get cut off again!) we went attica and then to gotham penthouse..i din reallie like the music there...but after 3 drinks..nothing reallie matters..lol..esp when i downed the first 2 so fast..omg..by the time i reached my 5th..i alr half gone..giggling at stupid things..only my other colleague had as much as me..=P the two of us like mad women..haha..but it was a comical scene..tho..now that i think of it..quite throw face.hahaha..
by my 4th drink i reallie quite dizzy le...but i think the drinks i had the alcohol content still ok leh..hehe..reallie doubting my "jiu liang" now..when i went toilet i can reallie feel the world spinning...after i went home..i had the feeling to puke..but din..and once in awhile i will giggle to myself on my bed...SO WEIRD...LOL...the next morning wake up..reallie wanna die..had a burning sensation in my stomach and feel like puking..>_< very horrible..that reallie made me think twice about drinking too much or too fast next time..
as for the ntu recruitment drive ytd..sigh...=( no one interested in tax...NO ONE...these students reallie have a lot of misconceptions..they think only if they go audit then they can do CPA..which is not true! duno lehz..i think they dunno wad they are getting themselves into when they insist on going audit..=P but that's my personal opinion..maybe some ppl reallie enjoy their work...like yanzhen's workaholic snr..?hehe oh well..here i am in office..typing all this crap..and my legs are sore from standing so long last night...boo hoo..thank God it's friday~!

It's the weekend!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Recently i realised that i'm like this picture SO MUCH. Its like my soul being totally absorbed by the picture. The resolution of this pic isn't so good coz its quite hard to upload a large pic. Anyway its a pic with blood, and the girl inside is actually crying. Her eyes look so sad... hmm

Have you ever cry unknowingly? I mean like tears just keep coming down before you even realise... even when you are watching a humorous comical taiwan variety show, you unknowingly let your tears fall while laughing so hard at the joke in the show?

Life is hard to fathom.

a lost siete no.6

Saturday, October 14, 2006

naggy naggy post....

"What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Through perseverance we reached greater heights in life"

Perservere my frens! i noe life out dere can b damn tough, late nights, deadlines, politics, stress, boredom n much more..but HANG ON dere ppl. its hard to adapt...n i truly understand how unhappie/tired/stressed each n every one is at work or skoo( for JY esp e stress to cope in new environment in skoo)..but we will all try together ok? Life goes on still...but owis rememba dat even at our lowest peak in life, e 7 o us will haf one another as frens, as buddies, as sis, as listeners for one another. n for ppl who work late nights, rememba to reallie take gd care o ur health k. =)

-JIA YOU!!~-

Friday, October 13, 2006


Hihi ppl...i am posting now mainly bcos i am bored and super no mood to work cos it's FRIDAY!! hee...anw...i am kinda sian now..cos MANY ppl are leaving my dept...most of them are going to banks...sighz...means i have to constantly make new frenz...keke...but seriously i think the job is ok lahz..just can get a bit boring at times...(like now)
come lah baoyu..come and join me...=P then i wun be so lonely and outcasted here...hahaha...i dun dare to blog too long..in case my senior suddenly pops up~ haha...see ya all later for movies..ciaoz~

P/S: Ee..can u STOP calling BANDIT as panty...T_T my poor doggie...has become a piece of "clothing"...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

First Post in Siete

Its my turn to write something now. Kinda glad that we decided to put up this blog. Think this is quite a good way to chat with everyone thru this cyber world. hehe...
Yes, wei you are right, i've been seeing you many times.. (EWWW) hahhaa.. no la, i love your room so much.. #703... though bit different from Nana's #707. And surprising, i love ur dog, Panty, so much.. its quite amazing for an anti-animal person like me. Cant wait to see him again, walk slowly here and there, at his own pace. Such a funny dog!!

Btw, I havent tell Yuan about this blog, sorry, i'll tell her k!! =p

Hey girls, life is pretty tough out there. Everyone's on the same boat, even Jinyi also trying her best to fight the cold and study and do her readings and chores. Those pple working, it is stress.. OT is hell, people ard sometimes really pisses you off and some of the times credit get "stolen" by others and SQL queries run forever etc

Whatever it is.. be strong and postive! Hopefully, all fan nao be gone with a game of "Minimise"..
My current goal: To be the "Minimise" Queen!!!

aka Abalonie Vegetarian (lowest grade)


I've officially nothing to do as the client is not ready so I decided to post a msg ^_^
Actually I have nothing much to say but juz wanted to make our blog more lively.... so u guys also start posting yepz, and dun juz post in the tag board -.-"
Meanwhile, I have juz started reading Nana, recommended by EE, only started like, erm, 3 pgs... hahahz, as I muz be more discreet, so my progress is quite slow...
Oh~ want to tell jing and yuan abt this incident I have with a taxi driver, told the rest abt it already.. Well, it happened last Sat night, Me and my friends waited at the taxi stand for taxi and there was a couple in front of us, a taxi then came along and the couple wanted to get on... We din notice them much but anyway, aft a while we saw the taxi say "no, no" and we thought it's becoz the taxi driver don't want to drive to the area that the couple wanted to go.. so we got onto the taxi instead lo..
But aft the taxi drove off, he told us that the couple were mute and they were showing him a paper writing their destination which he couldn't understand so he refuse to take them! And the thing is, he was so smug abt it, and even said, "Mute still want to take taxi!!!" (in chinese)
Wahhh... can u guys believe it??!! We were reallie shocked and we just started scolding the taxi driver!! Aft that he must have been ashamed of himself (hopefully) coz he juz remained quiet for the rest of the journey.. Thinking back, we shld haven gotton out of the taxi and boycott him.. but guess we were too busy scolding him.. And we shld have taken down his name and stuff and make a complain against him ah, YIKEZ... why didn't I think of all these.. zzzz..
Don't understand the driver lo, if he couldn't understand what was written on the paper, he could have easily asked anyone who's waiting at the taxi stand lo, there were like soooo many pple.. -.-" Arghh, don't understand pple nowadays, there are juz so many wierdos..
Anyway, enuff of this idiotic taxi driver.. I better get back to work.. erm, but not like I have anything to do at the moment anyway.. haha, but u all dun think this is gd k, cos wait I will have to OT like siaoz once the client gets back to us.. this is horrible....
Hmmm, so I guess I betta go enjoy myself now to minimize my suffering later.. haha.. Nana time.........


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hee..my first first entry to dis blog..damn exciting!
nothing much for me to pen down my tots now..so jus gonna add some pics....

Dis was how we guys met.....

And our many more bdae celebrations n MJ sessions together.......

im glad dat we had so much fun, craze togther.....may we make it a point to meet up more often in yrs to come.... so hereby, TOAST TO OUR FRENSHIP..!! love u peeps. =)

-Wynne- =)

This is the FIRST blog entry of my life.. WOOLALA~~~~~
I am not sure this will get posted successfully but I shld think it will be baz... haha

Oh well, let me post the dates of our outing to keep u guys updated:
21st Oct - Sentosa
4th Nov - Settlers
22nd Dec/23rd Dec - X'mas (EE's hse)
31st Dec/1st Jan - New Year (Steamboat at wei's hse)
Mar '07 - Phantom of the Opera!

haha.. tt's our plan so far..

Super looking forward to the x'mas, new year and watching POTO.. haha... we shld be gg abroad together yep? but KIV 1st till all's settled! kk, let me post first, wait not successful, I type so much I will faint! LOL...

Abalonie (1st grade)

Our blog....^_^
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About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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