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I've officially nothing to do as the client is not ready so I decided to post a msg ^_^
Actually I have nothing much to say but juz wanted to make our blog more lively.... so u guys also start posting yepz, and dun juz post in the tag board -.-"
Meanwhile, I have juz started reading Nana, recommended by EE, only started like, erm, 3 pgs... hahahz, as I muz be more discreet, so my progress is quite slow...
Oh~ want to tell jing and yuan abt this incident I have with a taxi driver, told the rest abt it already.. Well, it happened last Sat night, Me and my friends waited at the taxi stand for taxi and there was a couple in front of us, a taxi then came along and the couple wanted to get on... We din notice them much but anyway, aft a while we saw the taxi say "no, no" and we thought it's becoz the taxi driver don't want to drive to the area that the couple wanted to go.. so we got onto the taxi instead lo..
But aft the taxi drove off, he told us that the couple were mute and they were showing him a paper writing their destination which he couldn't understand so he refuse to take them! And the thing is, he was so smug abt it, and even said, "Mute still want to take taxi!!!" (in chinese)
Wahhh... can u guys believe it??!! We were reallie shocked and we just started scolding the taxi driver!! Aft that he must have been ashamed of himself (hopefully) coz he juz remained quiet for the rest of the journey.. Thinking back, we shld haven gotton out of the taxi and boycott him.. but guess we were too busy scolding him.. And we shld have taken down his name and stuff and make a complain against him ah, YIKEZ... why didn't I think of all these.. zzzz..
Don't understand the driver lo, if he couldn't understand what was written on the paper, he could have easily asked anyone who's waiting at the taxi stand lo, there were like soooo many pple.. -.-" Arghh, don't understand pple nowadays, there are juz so many wierdos..
Anyway, enuff of this idiotic taxi driver.. I better get back to work.. erm, but not like I have anything to do at the moment anyway.. haha, but u all dun think this is gd k, cos wait I will have to OT like siaoz once the client gets back to us.. this is horrible....
Hmmm, so I guess I betta go enjoy myself now to minimize my suffering later.. haha.. Nana time.........


i agree w u manz..
e taxi driver is damn bad...how can he haf such discrimination manz!!

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About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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