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I'm finally in here!

Hiya everyone! Pardon me for my super late posting. Wanted to post several times but realised i forgot to jot down the userid and password. And after several attempts i went to dig my MSN log history out to find it! Silly isnt it?

So how's everyone back there? Are you all doing fine? Work is tiring for most of you i know and study is tiring for me too! There's no photocopy aunty here and i have to stand in front of the photocpying machine for the whole day to copy my required readings! Hai.. so tiring and expensive to photocopy here!

K enough of complains. I've been here for more than 3 weeks now and everything is still fine. Getting use to the cold weather here as well. Been around walking in my town exploring several places and most importantly several supermarkets to see which is cheaper! Haha..

So have u all seen my pics taken in Nottingham? I know it's quite few but the internet access is really problematic. Hai.. Anyway i'll be going to London tmr and will take more pics! And next weekend's plan tentatively is either Birmingham or Oxford. Seems like a busy busy touring cum studying life here. How i wish i have more time everyday!

Btw, I have ktv craving! Hai.. no ktv in my town here.. only in Nottingham, but not sure how many chinese songs do they have there.. Hai..

Kk everyone remember to jia you for your work and also take good care of your health! Forgot to tell u all i finally recovered from my cough and flu!

I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH.. (Sad JY has no girl gang friends here to go out with me!)

Mini JY - little dumpling

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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