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Down and Out

Went to ktv with wei, yz and first grade abalonie just now. I drived. I "bang" into a corner while going up the multi story carpark. My first reaction: FUCK! End of story. I hate it. There goes my months of salary. Its a pretty bad scratch and dent. Can ask the other witnesses. I was so traumatised and sian that i suddenly had very bad gastric pains.

The problem is'nt the money. Its my sister. Tmr morning and the following mornings, dont think i will sit in her car.
Few examples of her sms when i told her abt it over sms.
1. Fuck. Pay big deal?! I warn you first, its gonna cost a bomb.
2. Why you go and fucking spoil my day.

My day is gone too. Or should i say many of the days ahead. Things have not been good for me already. I've been on a cold war with a very very good friend. Now, things just get worse. Thousands of dollars is gone... YAY!

Conclusion: I'm a bad driver AND a lousy friend.

-- EE --

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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