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A Frightening Encounter...

Hey guys,

I'm posting this cos I wan to tell u all abt my very very kong bu encounter juz now during my lunch.. My "mao" are all standing up now liaoz......... >_<

Anyway, just now during lunch, me and my collegues (2 A2s) went to Amara food court for our lunch. the food court is at the 4th floor, so we will normally take the lift fr the 1st floor up..
So, as usual, we went to the lift area wanting to take the lift up. As we arrive, I saw a woman rushing into the lift and the door is abt to close, so I quickly press the lift button to open the door. Luckily, with my quick reaction, the door opened and so we went in.
BUT.............. to my surprise, there is noone inside the lift! The lift is totally empty!! I was quite shock, but I told myself, maybe she went into another lift, cos there are 3 lifts there and I just though she went into tt lift we entered. Just when I told myself it's nothing, one of my A2 suddenly said "eh, I though I saw a woman entering?" ...........................
Gosh, by then my mao reallie stand up as I told her I also thought I saw a woman came into the lift... The 2 of us stare at each other and we told ourselves it shld be nothing, maybe we all saw wrongly and she really entered another lift. But, actually I'm quite certain that she entered that particular lift............ AHHHHH... so kong bu... >_<

Oh well, tt's the end of my story, I am reallie lousy at story telling but it's reallie quite scary and pardon me if I did not tell my story well. Haha...
Anyway, it's friday le, hope all of you will have a good rest on the weekends and be recharge to meet next week's challenges. ^_^ Anyway, Tue is a holiday again! YEAH! And I know a particular someone took leave on Monday and is gonna enjoy a long weekend... tsk tsk tsk...
Haha, kk, stay tune on siete-7 for more ghost stories!
(* I will try to brush up on my story telling skills)

A frightened Abalone

OMG...its damn freakingly scary....!!!
i nv wanna take e lift from dere again!!! ...eeeeeeeeeEWWWwww~

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  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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