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First Post in Siete

Its my turn to write something now. Kinda glad that we decided to put up this blog. Think this is quite a good way to chat with everyone thru this cyber world. hehe...
Yes, wei you are right, i've been seeing you many times.. (EWWW) hahhaa.. no la, i love your room so much.. #703... though bit different from Nana's #707. And surprising, i love ur dog, Panty, so much.. its quite amazing for an anti-animal person like me. Cant wait to see him again, walk slowly here and there, at his own pace. Such a funny dog!!

Btw, I havent tell Yuan about this blog, sorry, i'll tell her k!! =p

Hey girls, life is pretty tough out there. Everyone's on the same boat, even Jinyi also trying her best to fight the cold and study and do her readings and chores. Those pple working, it is stress.. OT is hell, people ard sometimes really pisses you off and some of the times credit get "stolen" by others and SQL queries run forever etc

Whatever it is.. be strong and postive! Hopefully, all fan nao be gone with a game of "Minimise"..
My current goal: To be the "Minimise" Queen!!!

aka Abalonie Vegetarian (lowest grade)

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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