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My first post here

Hi everyone, i'm finally here already!Finally...got a day off that I dun have to go back to work...the past two weeks have been so hectic for me...and even weekends olso gotta go and work. Sigh...think the next few weeks will only get worse...hopefully I still got the time to meet up with u guys...I'm soo superly tired from this, everyday having to work til 12 plus 1 plus and my cough has not even recover yet. To make things worse, I even sprained my ankle last week and til now, still not fully recovered yet. But no matter what, I'll still try to endure and perserve, but pardon me if I keep having to yawn whenever I meet you all, cos I'm really tired. Anyway, thanks for all ur concerns, and always having to listen to me nag at times..but I can't really help it...sometimes I jus feel so down and lousy esp recently and I really need someone to tok to or even jus a company will do.

Sigh, can't wait for our next outing...the other day planned so many activities abt gg sentosa, settlers cafe and ktv etc...and everything is like not fulfilled yet..sigh...so sorrie that everything is postponed..haha..is it cos of me that u all din go? But u all can go ahead with those activities yourselves, if I can make it, I'll definately join u guys. Haha...and I really miss mahjong session now...haha...when can I play again? I hope I can still rmb how to play the next time..haha...Must keep me updated on any news k?

Anyway, how are you now, Jing? Hope you are coping well over there..must take good care of yourselves k and keep us posted on what's happening over there. I'll try my best to update you on what's happening down here as well..Anyway, glad to know that you have recovered from your cough, must take care hor. We all miss you and all the fun that we have.

To yuan,reallie din hear from you for such so long already, if I'm not wrong, its since that day we sent Jing off rite? Are you very busy recently? Hope to meet up with u soon and to update you on our X'mas plans etc..looking forward to meet you soon!

To Wynne, so sorrie that nv really tok to you for the past two weeks..hope you will understand that I really have no choice too. Hope everything is doing fine on ur side and I very much wan to listen to all the things that's happening for the past two weeks on your side. Really miss those fridays when we will jus go TCC and sit down there and chat. Anyway, no matter wat ups and downs that you have, must try and endure too..haha...sounds familiar? Haha..that is what you told me last friday..but I think it applies to all of us ba...hahaha..Thanks for ur encouragement anyway and realie look forward to seeing you with all the complaints I have and listening to watever gossips and updates that you have.

To Bao, haha..keep saying that I nv come in here and post...haha...see la...today I write so long...haha..hope won't bore you to death. Haha..anyway, thanks for offering to come my house and keep me company last sat nite, though in the end you can't come. I really appreciate that...last week was reallie my worst week and I really feel very sad and depressed. Think I'm still not quite used to the working life then...but now I guess I feel slighly better now...though I dunno I can reallie survive this anot..but hopefully, I can ba. Anyway, you confirm wan to go tax ah? Hope everything will turn out fine for you, be it in tax or audit and if you feel down or wat, feel free to come and look for us...we will definatelly lend u our ears.

To Ling, recently then start to meet up with you more often, guess its probably all of us stay so near each other. Haha...anyway now that Jing is in UK, I noe that u will more or less feel lost and upset at times, but no matter wat, we will always be around for you..so u can always come and confide to us. Dun keep everything to yourself k and must take good care of yourself hor...

To wei, hello...haha...see u so often that i dunno wat else to say..hahaha...everything that i wan complain olso complain liao...hmmm...wat else can I say? haha...think you had a shock that day that I appear so down..but anyway dun worry la...I'm fine now...and thanks for letting me jus go ur house and sit there and rot..cos that day I jus need someone to be there with me only..anyway, u be on leave tml rite? enjoy urself then..and go and man zu ur ktv craving la...haha...see u ren for so long liao...hahaha...

Anyway, see you guys soon!


About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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