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party on wed...ntu recruitment drive on thurs...

hellow..as promised..i shall post a little on my "party" on wed..hahaha..actuallie the whole idea was to get together for a farewell party for one of my colleague..i think we spent the whole night out, from 530 to 11+ and i reached home at 12+ ...>.<
anywayz...(this is the 3rd time i am repeating..it better dun get cut off again!) we went attica and then to gotham penthouse..i din reallie like the music there...but after 3 drinks..nothing reallie matters..lol..esp when i downed the first 2 so fast..omg..by the time i reached my 5th..i alr half gone..giggling at stupid things..only my other colleague had as much as me..=P the two of us like mad women..haha..but it was a comical scene..tho..now that i think of it..quite throw face.hahaha..
by my 4th drink i reallie quite dizzy le...but i think the drinks i had the alcohol content still ok leh..hehe..reallie doubting my "jiu liang" now..when i went toilet i can reallie feel the world spinning...after i went home..i had the feeling to puke..but din..and once in awhile i will giggle to myself on my bed...SO WEIRD...LOL...the next morning wake up..reallie wanna die..had a burning sensation in my stomach and feel like puking..>_< very horrible..that reallie made me think twice about drinking too much or too fast next time..
as for the ntu recruitment drive ytd..sigh...=( no one interested in tax...NO ONE...these students reallie have a lot of misconceptions..they think only if they go audit then they can do CPA..which is not true! duno lehz..i think they dunno wad they are getting themselves into when they insist on going audit..=P but that's my personal opinion..maybe some ppl reallie enjoy their work...like yanzhen's workaholic snr..?hehe oh well..here i am in office..typing all this crap..and my legs are sore from standing so long last night...boo hoo..thank God it's friday~!

It's the weekend!

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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