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Round 到此一游

Hi Hi...all

know of this blog from dear EE...but im a lazy piece of meat...plus every day face e comp for like 8 hrs... come back home dun feel like looking at it anymore...

Have seen you guys putting a lot of stuff up here..heh heh can tell that wynne is exploding... never mind...next time we see her... we will help you wack her...ok?
sometimes just dun understand, why are some pple just this childish...after all we are educated, have gone thru proper upbringing...so why are there such irritating pple... what a waste of oxygen..

and at times like this... i missed school life the most... as much as i hated study... i enjoy e freedom and the time.. and e personal space... and the luxury of diao-ing pple when i bu4 shuai3 them... Now, in office if i diao pple, think i dun need to report to work tmr le..

having said all these... bet these nasty pple must have bad experiences when they started out working and now they are some sort of like having this "its my turn" kind of mentality...so we must always keep watch of ourselves... having going thru all the bad times, we mustn't change the innocence or purity that we have.. societal wave can change our personality unknowingly... but that's not the excuse to be like one of those apples....

i hope i dun get to philosophical here... dun know if i got that word spelt correctly...aiyah... so this blog shall help the 7 of us keep a look out for one another...dun bottle things up... anything to complain, complain... we may not be of any help, but the least we could do is listen...

shall not compete with YZ to be the longest essay... so boring... :)

oh btw, the background is kinda hard to see... the contrast quite glaring... bad for eyes bad for eyes...

and ohh oh... im finally "myopical", 50 on the left and 75 on the right... gotten my specs... for 80 bucks... ahah... wear for fun la...

hmm so eeling, you have the precious pair of eyes here...

ok la ok la... i going zzZZ... see u guys soon ... my apologies for not turning up always... cos in office im oways handling some admin and support thingy... so sometimes have to bring work home during weekend to complete my own reviews... hai yah... im like sai gang warrior...

its ok la... we will survive...

take care yah...


About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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