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-work life updates fr naggy wynne-

hi guys.
Haven met u all for ages. Being pretty busy w work n stuff i guess.
Baoyu, ur encounter on e lift incident reallie made my hair stand le...i wun haf e mood to continue work on dat day if im u lo. HAHA. so happie to see so many posts in SIete...i love reading stories n updates!!! =)

Back to my work, it have been pretty ok. As least e hrs not dat long. But i haf met pretty bad seniors on my job. SHe is pretty mean. still rememba on e first day, my name was on e schedule list showing dat i was booked on her job. so she angrily stomp to e AO's desk, shouted so loudly across to e AO( as tho e other party is deaf) n insisted she wanted a replacement.i think alot o ppl heard n i felt damn embaressed le. She added and implied dat A1s r slow n lousy and dey everything oso dunno! i kept my cool. jus kept quiet. wad pisses me off was like when e AO said she do not have any A2s left to b booked on her job, e mad woman threw her tantrum n jus shouted to me n another A1 to jus go la go la..wait outside don block her way. i was like...arrrrgggh.....n she made us carry her bloody heavy lap top for her..when we need to carry down ours oso n and additional 13 files....IT WAS SO HEAVY DAT WE PRACTICALLY HAF TO DRAG ALL E BAGS INSTEAD O CARRYING DEM TO E LIFT.... =(

e following days working w her was not any betta. shes super insenitive w words use. Still rememba i haf e other A1 colleague who was totally fresh n green, with no past job experiences....n dat my senior jus went up to her...say things like, 'WHY U EVERYTHING OSO DUNNO ONE! WHY GIVE ME SUCH SHIT? I DON EVEN TREAT U AS A VACATION TRAINEE LO' , i think my fren was kinda pissed too. SHe was new and my senior din even bother to guide. SHe uses words like 'SHIT' very often, saying mean things like ' can u pls clear ur own shit don make me clear it for u?'. Most of e time she was e one using e files, and after using it, she scolds us for not clearing e files back, and e angry part was she insist dat we r not clearing our own 'SHIT'. i think her shit meant files in dis case.... *piss off siaz*

Alot more to add..but i guess u all wun wanna hear me continue nagging rite? haha. but somehow i felt working w such ppl makes me a stronger person. makes me more thick skin i guess...jus haf to endure n to learn as much as possible. wad i feel is dat everyone start off green n chai niao... everything oso dunno, as a senior, their role is to guide e whole engagement team, not to jus throw responsibilities ard...n not to throw her own stuff to others to do while happily toking on e fone ma. I guess dats e real world and im beginning to see wad dey meant by working world n politics. in time to come, perhaps i will get used to seeing n encountering more o such things. bUt all i can sae is, if by chance in anyway i b a senior next time, i wun let dis viscous cyle repeat again.

heee..sorrie, abit agitated when i type dis blog entry..so seems pretty naggy n long siaz. SORRIE AH~! haha. but other den dis job, e rest o e job assignments r pretty ok. my peers n colleagues r nice ppl la.... =)

n btw, does shiyuan noes abt e blog? ahahaha..like nv hear fr her at all le.....

k la, enuff o crap, will blog more updates e next time instead....=) TAKE CARE my dear frens!

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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