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Hiya folks!!

Why is the blog so quiet recently? Is everyone busy with work? Hmm... have u all seen my York photos? Heheee.. i love York! It's beautiful!

One exciting news to share! I'm going to Rome and Pisa (and Milan if there's time) next month! Just booked the flight last night.. Hehee soooo excited over seeing St Peter's church and Michaelangelo's paintings!

Sister Ling says you all are are going Bangkok! And WITHOUT ME! I want to go shopping there too! *SOB*

I'm planning my following month's weekend plan now. Want to go more places but i have 2 class tests coming soon!!! Arrgghh i hope i am a superwoman now.. can have plenty of time for everything!

K enough of crap.. Take good care folks and enjoy the weekend!

Written by: Dumpling JY
(Getting more dumpling-like lately as the weather is freezing coooooold)

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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