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Juz another blog -.-

Hi guys~

It's been a long time since I posted any entry.

Just wanted to tell you guys abt my "adventure" this morning, haha..
I attended a court meeting juz now, althought it's called a court meeting but it's not held at a court =.= It's like a shareholder's meeting of a company where the shareholders meet to pass a resolution. And there are proxies and stuff, it's really an eye opener! Then all of us must wear suit and covered shoes, so quite a formal thing. AND my suit finally "pai shang yong chang", otherwise it's really going to turn mouldy soon.. haha~~

Anyway, they are suppose to vote for this resolution, then the few of us are to go and tally the votes after tt. Then... I dunno, maybe like a zillion reporters came and took photos.. gosh~~ I tink I am gg to faint loz. I also dunno how many la but I heard the camera snapping away.. >.<" I din even dare raise my head~ haha... Think I am gonna be on CNN or something tonight~~ T.T HELPPPPP!!!

Oh well, now back in office wking again~~ dunno if we'll get our pay today?!? Hehe, hopefully! And it's finally FRIDAY! Weekends are coming, they really are the highlights of the week man. =P Maybe some of you might be having a bad week, while other could be enjoying out there~ but whatever, let's all enjoy our lovely weekends and recharge ourselves for the upcoming weeks yep!

Ms Ahhh~

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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