Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Life and Death

許瑋倫 is dead.
I'm not sure whether some of you heard about this news.
Probably some of you dont even know her.

She's a Taiwan artiste. Young and pretty and talented too.
I'm not a fan of her. I dont watch her dramas either.
But I'm so so so affected by her sudden death.

For those who dont know, she died of a car accident 2 days ago.
I was so tramuatised when i heard about the news from weiwei.

Heart pain.
So pain.


Sunday, January 28, 2007


I'm glad there are people who know their direction in life.
And are willing to accept this weird cycle that God has set for us.
I envy you. I want to feel motivated in my life too.

But I cant stop questioning.
I cant.

I live for the sake of those who loved me.
I live for the sake of seeing the future universe.
I live for the sake of seeing the many things and places that I've yet seen.
I live for the sake of the hope of a miracle or an enlightenment in life. I wait.

Yes, everyone has their own definition of meaning in life.
I really doubt the extistence of this meaning.
I really dont understand.

Even though i kept on questioning and doubting, I still move on.
At least I'm a logical skeptic.
I work hard. I earn money.
I want to repay my parents. If not for them, I would be roaming around the world finding the so-called non-existing Meaning of life.

I move on while questioning. This is the best I could do now.


人活在这世上不单单是为了自己, 还为了你的家人,朋友,爱你的人.

Different people have different definition of life... likewise for happiness...
i Dun have to know how people define their meaning of life... as long as i know mine and as long as i found mine...

i work not for the sake of working, i work for a better future, to achieve the goals that i set for myself. I worked to provide a better living for my family, especially so for the 2 olds at home....
i can never share with them the hardship they go through in raising me up, the only way i could repay back is to be give them all the love that i have while they are still around... at this point in time, if pple asked why do i worked for, why do i study so hard for?... seriously apart for my future.... its for them.... at least this is an answer.... tho not a perfect one.

no it's not society that forces me to do so... not my parents either... its just that i want to make my life more meaningful... people need to study to gain knowledge.... people need to work to account and fend for themselves... unless you are a billionaire, your parents left u a huge wealth such that you dun have to work....but if that's not the case.... too bad...

i dun need to live for other people.... but i must understand the fact that my behaviour affects other people.... we all give and take.... there cannot be equality.... this one day, we hurt this someone, the other day, we are being hurt.... but its ok... this is wat is call life....

we are fortunate people... we are too fortunate to the extent that we oversee those that are less endowed.... im glad that for myself.... at least being in red cross has remind me that... in the midst of attaining success, i have to strike a balance in my life.... and look after my well-being....

engaged in more meaningful activities to truely add meaning to ur life rather than looking at ur life and finding meaning in it.... i find it easier that way....

i wish u guys luck in ur search to make ur life more meaningful.... im still trying to make mine more meaningful haha by finding that special someone.... meanwhile.... i can gladly tell myself that at least im well and be able to kick around everyday.... go to work like any normal people... i can put my brains to good use....

although i dun enjoy squeezing and being push around by people in the MRT.... at least i have transport..... sometimes when im in a bad mood, i get to push them back.... sometimes... that motivate me to earn more money so i can buy my dream car..... to earn more mula to get myself out of this rat race..... this day may or may not come true.... we dun know.... but at least im still able to dream about it.....

we should give ourselves a pat on the shoulders for studying so hard and make it thru.... yes there are alot of undergrads..... at least we are one of them..... imagine those without a degree...
from here, we should continue to build up our knowledge and grow ....



Then, do you live for the sake of living?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Many live each day for the sake of living.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sophisticated vs Simplicity

My thoughts after reading JY blog.

I choose simplicity though i dont know what is it.
Perhaps complexity suits me better?

I dont think everyone live to search for this simplicity.
In fact, i think many of them live without knowing what is called Existence.
Some are aimlessly searching for NOTHING. The nothing that is called "Meaning of life".
I thought Meaning of life exists too, I used to believe in it.
Happiness too. I used to think Happiness is my goal in life.
But as time passes, I kinda feel that I'm so naive. So silly to always believe that "Happiness" is the most important thing in life. Such crap..

Perhaps I should stop asking useless and childish questions...
And just live each day as it is...
Wake up. Go work. Lunch time. Go home. Dinner time. Study/Tv. Sleep. Dreams. Wake up.
Great life.


Monday, January 22, 2007

my 6th post in a day~!

hee..i promise this is the last one for me...just b4 i forget...


i swear we din plan this...but HOW QIAO IS THAT?? that it's the same 3 of us doing the same pose...?? i was kinda freaked out when i found out @ ee's house that time..so qiao lo?!? same 3 ppl..?! shesh...or maybe onli 3 of us are silly enough to attempt this "pose"? anywayz..i think the person who chged the most has to be bao~...i looked like i din chg AT ALL -.- i dun like tt kinda feeling...
forgot to mention the fact that the bottom pic was taken abt 4 years ago when we were going or just started uni...i just feel that it's very shen qi that 3 of us took this pose again =
Meowie ~!

Yanzhen's bday..~

23rd bday le...

hee..here's some of the photos we took..very limited..think we were all busy eating ba?

Mr Stitch decided to grace this occassion~ ain't it cute?!
3 of them in same colours...ewwwww...hehehe

just before we left...look at the mountain and mountain of plates..

here's wishing yz happie 23rd bday~ kinda sad that we din get to surprise u on friday night..i still have the cake in my fridge...=\ hahaha..anywayz, hope u had fun @ sakae~ anywayz, dun be stressed out at work~! jia you~

-Wei^2 ~~

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Day 4 Monday

Destination : Singapore, Mood: Sad..

our LAST day here...sianz...
we woke up quite late...slack slack slack in the hotel till almost time to go check out..in the hotel we took a lot of bo liao photos...
anywayz...we decided to go out to walk ard...zui hou de chong chi..shesh...i bought a black necklace and bracelet tat i like a lot..cheap cheap nia..then the rest of them still got buy heels la..skirt la..so li hai~ nv underestimate the power of women when it comes to shopping!

after tt is to the airport le...sighz...first time in my life, i feel soooooooooooooo poor!! i can't even afford a bk meal..=( have to pour all of our $$ so that ee and i can buy a meal + ONE burger..so sad T_T ke lian dao le ji dian...hai~

paiseh my posts are getting shorter and shorter..but since we kinda repeat the same things everyday...nothing new to add..hehe...see pics ba =D

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@ breakfast time!!!

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(actions of the hello kitty toy, from left to right): drumming, kiang kiang, shake shake bells~

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our beautiful bags!! kitty is the best! yay!!

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our luggage~~da bao xiao bao...

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hidden/ buried under the many many bags we had!

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outside the airport~

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inside the airport~

Day 3~~

Day 3 Sunday
Destination: chinatown, MBK, world trade centre, Mood: satisfied, Weather: cooling~

Got kinda sick of the bkfast there...anw we going to chinatown to eat shark fin soup..so we decided not to eat much...(but in the end we ate like normal amount -.-) then we decided to go asia hotel to check out the lady boy show...along the way, saw this shop, selling shoes and bags...guess who went in first?? hee..yuan found a few bags she likes..white de..oh well..in the end, i think someone bought a pair of shoes there..but dun rem who liao?ee or bao ba..so li hai...early in the morning start shopping le...lol
reached the hotel realised the show costs abt 1000 baht = 40+ sing..wow..realise our spendable cash not a lot liao..decided not to spend on the show...haha..then we went to chinatown le~ the long awaited sharks fin soup! nice wor..not a bad lunch =) after lunch, we went to MBK again~..ran out of $$..had to go chg..shesh..first time i go overseas..chg not enough money de..hai~then back to shopping frenzy~
bought 2 bags, 2 heels and some other small small crap..then we had dunkin donuts as our afternoon tea!! OMG..YUMMY...i like the flavour i chose..simple yet nice..=)
actuallie they have some nice clothes..but i am too lazy or dun think i can fit in..so well..a bit sad but no choice...
alrighty..think i am a bit crapping le..anw we went for dinner at this place...ate jap food AGAIN..but very nice wor~~ *see pics* then it was back to world trade centre there again~ basically whole day shopping non stop! went back hotel, wanted to take photos of our zhan li pin..yuan alr put everything nice nice..but she fell asleep...lol so in the end she was like sleeping in a small corner of her bed cos it's full of the things she bought! REALLIE A LOT..after tt realised ee also fell aslp -.- left me n bao...after packing up etc also went to zzz~ *tired*

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somewhere along the road to sky train station~

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@ train station

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@Asia Hotel

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errrr...i look so...wu nai~ and one crazy woman feeding a grass reindeer...?

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chinatown's famous shark fin soup!!! YUMMY!

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my back view.. no way i could have known someone was secretly taking it=
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DUNKIN DONUTS! I LOVE IT..why sg dun have???

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muahaha our bags~! nice eh? we look so happie n satisfied~

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tai tai yuan~
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Day 2~

Day 2 : Saturday..
Destination: Chatuchak..Mood: SUPER EXCITED, Health: recovered =D yay! weather: still quite hot but better than ytd..

hohoho...the best day of our trip~
We decided to eat more for bkfast...once we went out...ee and yuan saw this hawker selling this hello kitty toy(got others la) so they bought one each..very cool sia..wished i bought too..sigh~anw off we go to chatuchak, on the cab, we were playing w the toys..then the cabbie so amused by us also..hahaha..then..like wad yuan said...the first cabbie dropped us at this deserted corner of chatuchak..that sells animals/insects wadever crap...then we tried to walk to the place where they sell clothes..but who knows...as we walked in, the more scary it gets..and seriously there's a point of time when i was reallie freaked out..cos noticed some of the men..looking at us..think they can tell we are lost..=( *scared*

finally we gave up when we reached this dark alley with chicken around...cannot take it so we went to flag a cab and rather spend that money to reach the correct place..phew~anywayz finallie we reached le~

the place is sooooooooooooo BIG?????????? omg..i bet we din even comb half of the place..maybe onli like 1/4?? anywayz..off we go..first stall..alr got ppl make purchase...yuan n ee bought some tops...ee bought a pirated music cd..my first item bought was earrings...their pantene there so cheap!!!!! but too heavy to bring back..sigh~ anywayz...went further in...lotsa things to see~i bought my door curtain, those dangling things..omg..so happie!!!! it's one of my fave buys cos i wanted to buy one since forever? and i was so tempted to get two..but in the end i din..a bit regret actuallie..next trip i go, i will buy!!muahaha..

then got this place...sell earrings..me and ee went MAD! literally...yuan went to buy shorts, clothes..come back we are still at that place..-.-~ shesh..i think i bought like 20 pairs there?!?!? so cool~ happie happie! then bought some skirts etc...actuallie i dun reallie like to shop in this kinda environment but surprisingly for this...i din mind it that much..then went to this shop..with the crazy shop keeper + super duper shuai guy *drools* was inside for quite some time..ee and yuan bought a lot..i only bought 1 top..

basically...we went mad...all of us! hardly tried to bargain..it's reallie too cheap liaoz...then we went to this shop tt sells office wear~in the end..they bought some tops and i got 2 dresses! nice~! altho i realised one of the dress a bit too big =\chatuchak reallie made us crazie women...i think the most ridiculous one yuan alr said le..abt a particular ms ee saying 5 and 6 "same same"...shesh...she's dam funny~but we had fun bargaining @ that stall cos the ppl there very frenly..all guys...somehow guys more easy to bargain..the total savings we had from that stall = 9 baht per skirt..which is like...45 baht in total..2 dollars sing..?? LOL~by the way, did i mention that we DID NOT have lunch...shopping has made us immortals...no need to eat le..=
i think we finally left the place at 5+6...went to eat @ world trade centre..but we realised outside got a lot of lu4 bian1 dan1..b4 we went in to eat, we shopped awhile..reallie awhile like 15-20 mins and bao and i managed to grab a top each..lol..decided to fill our suffering stomachs first so went in to eat..some jap food...nice lah..tho serving a bit small but i very satisfied cos had craving for jap food..=D went into their shopping centre to see see look look..then back we went to the shopping area..note: this is the place that yuan went TOTALLIE out of control~! mad mad mad..hahhaa

there was this stall selling bags...only for 188 baht or sth..so...........she took up 4 bags..i tot she wan us to choose one...guess how many she asked us to choose?! THREE! hahaha..*faintz* dam funnie lo! *craziee* but the bags she bought reallie quite nice...good buys~she then bought like THREE cardi/tops at this stall...while the other 2 went toilet..i can onli stare in amaze~ *jaw drops* bao and i bought this cuteeyy piggy slippers for onli 50 baht!! man~ dam cheap~ hehe..the 2 of us also bought a small hello kitty pouch thing..mainly for toiletries..CUTEEEE...then after that we went on to look at this stall selling burks..cooL~ i bought 2..very comfy~bao and i also bought a black nail polish for i dunno how much (too cheap till i cannot rem) lol~ arhhhh...totallie crazie day for us~
anywayz...i think we went back at 11 plus local time..exhuasted but very very very satisfied! i left out a lot of details cos i think if i go into them...i prob will stop at this day too..hehe..then no one will ever know wad happened during the last 2 days =btw..i bought my hello kitty bag that is like those red white blue plastic bag material but the pic dam cute de...=D
went back hotel..too exhuasted to pack..just threw them all at one side...think yuan and bao slept very early...onli left me n ee...nothing to do..crap crap crap until 2plus singapore time -.-! shit...time to sleep...zzz

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outside world trade centre...

the roadside scenes outside world trade centre

natural photooooooooooo i reallie din know she took this =\

i believe this is the stall yuan went craziee @...heee..

the live band...got a few of these...side by side..quite cool~ dun see tt in sg..or maybe i dunno where to go to see such things..hee

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the EARRINGS we bought...scary sia..haha

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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