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Day 2~

Day 2 : Saturday..
Destination: Chatuchak..Mood: SUPER EXCITED, Health: recovered =D yay! weather: still quite hot but better than ytd..

hohoho...the best day of our trip~
We decided to eat more for bkfast...once we went out...ee and yuan saw this hawker selling this hello kitty toy(got others la) so they bought one each..very cool sia..wished i bought too..sigh~anw off we go to chatuchak, on the cab, we were playing w the toys..then the cabbie so amused by us also..hahaha..then..like wad yuan said...the first cabbie dropped us at this deserted corner of chatuchak..that sells animals/insects wadever crap...then we tried to walk to the place where they sell clothes..but who knows...as we walked in, the more scary it gets..and seriously there's a point of time when i was reallie freaked out..cos noticed some of the men..looking at us..think they can tell we are lost..=( *scared*

finally we gave up when we reached this dark alley with chicken around...cannot take it so we went to flag a cab and rather spend that money to reach the correct place..phew~anywayz finallie we reached le~

the place is sooooooooooooo BIG?????????? omg..i bet we din even comb half of the place..maybe onli like 1/4?? anywayz..off we go..first stall..alr got ppl make purchase...yuan n ee bought some tops...ee bought a pirated music cd..my first item bought was earrings...their pantene there so cheap!!!!! but too heavy to bring back..sigh~ anywayz...went further in...lotsa things to see~i bought my door curtain, those dangling things..omg..so happie!!!! it's one of my fave buys cos i wanted to buy one since forever? and i was so tempted to get two..but in the end i din..a bit regret actuallie..next trip i go, i will buy!!muahaha..

then got this place...sell earrings..me and ee went MAD! literally...yuan went to buy shorts, clothes..come back we are still at that place..-.-~ shesh..i think i bought like 20 pairs there?!?!? so cool~ happie happie! then bought some skirts etc...actuallie i dun reallie like to shop in this kinda environment but surprisingly for this...i din mind it that much..then went to this shop..with the crazy shop keeper + super duper shuai guy *drools* was inside for quite some time..ee and yuan bought a lot..i only bought 1 top..

basically...we went mad...all of us! hardly tried to bargain..it's reallie too cheap liaoz...then we went to this shop tt sells office wear~in the end..they bought some tops and i got 2 dresses! nice~! altho i realised one of the dress a bit too big =\chatuchak reallie made us crazie women...i think the most ridiculous one yuan alr said le..abt a particular ms ee saying 5 and 6 "same same"...shesh...she's dam funny~but we had fun bargaining @ that stall cos the ppl there very frenly..all guys...somehow guys more easy to bargain..the total savings we had from that stall = 9 baht per skirt..which is like...45 baht in total..2 dollars sing..?? LOL~by the way, did i mention that we DID NOT have lunch...shopping has made us immortals...no need to eat le..=
i think we finally left the place at 5+6...went to eat @ world trade centre..but we realised outside got a lot of lu4 bian1 dan1..b4 we went in to eat, we shopped awhile..reallie awhile like 15-20 mins and bao and i managed to grab a top each..lol..decided to fill our suffering stomachs first so went in to eat..some jap food...nice lah..tho serving a bit small but i very satisfied cos had craving for jap food..=D went into their shopping centre to see see look look..then back we went to the shopping area..note: this is the place that yuan went TOTALLIE out of control~! mad mad mad..hahhaa

there was this stall selling bags...only for 188 baht or sth..so...........she took up 4 bags..i tot she wan us to choose one...guess how many she asked us to choose?! THREE! hahaha..*faintz* dam funnie lo! *craziee* but the bags she bought reallie quite nice...good buys~she then bought like THREE cardi/tops at this stall...while the other 2 went toilet..i can onli stare in amaze~ *jaw drops* bao and i bought this cuteeyy piggy slippers for onli 50 baht!! man~ dam cheap~ hehe..the 2 of us also bought a small hello kitty pouch thing..mainly for toiletries..CUTEEEE...then after that we went on to look at this stall selling burks..cooL~ i bought 2..very comfy~bao and i also bought a black nail polish for i dunno how much (too cheap till i cannot rem) lol~ arhhhh...totallie crazie day for us~
anywayz...i think we went back at 11 plus local time..exhuasted but very very very satisfied! i left out a lot of details cos i think if i go into them...i prob will stop at this day too..hehe..then no one will ever know wad happened during the last 2 days =btw..i bought my hello kitty bag that is like those red white blue plastic bag material but the pic dam cute de...=D
went back hotel..too exhuasted to pack..just threw them all at one side...think yuan and bao slept very early...onli left me n ee...nothing to do..crap crap crap until 2plus singapore time -.-! shit...time to sleep...zzz

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outside world trade centre...

the roadside scenes outside world trade centre

natural photooooooooooo i reallie din know she took this =\

i believe this is the stall yuan went craziee @...heee..

the live band...got a few of these...side by side..quite cool~ dun see tt in sg..or maybe i dunno where to go to see such things..hee

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the EARRINGS we bought...scary sia..haha