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my 6th post in a day~!

hee..i promise this is the last one for me...just b4 i forget...


i swear we din plan this...but HOW QIAO IS THAT?? that it's the same 3 of us doing the same pose...?? i was kinda freaked out when i found out @ ee's house that time..so qiao lo?!? same 3 ppl..?! shesh...or maybe onli 3 of us are silly enough to attempt this "pose"? anywayz..i think the person who chged the most has to be bao~...i looked like i din chg AT ALL -.- i dun like tt kinda feeling...
forgot to mention the fact that the bottom pic was taken abt 4 years ago when we were going or just started uni...i just feel that it's very shen qi that 3 of us took this pose again =
Meowie ~!