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Day 4 Monday

Destination : Singapore, Mood: Sad..

our LAST day here...sianz...
we woke up quite late...slack slack slack in the hotel till almost time to go check out..in the hotel we took a lot of bo liao photos...
anywayz...we decided to go out to walk ard...zui hou de chong chi..shesh...i bought a black necklace and bracelet tat i like a lot..cheap cheap nia..then the rest of them still got buy heels la..skirt la..so li hai~ nv underestimate the power of women when it comes to shopping!

after tt is to the airport le...sighz...first time in my life, i feel soooooooooooooo poor!! i can't even afford a bk meal..=( have to pour all of our $$ so that ee and i can buy a meal + ONE burger..so sad T_T ke lian dao le ji dian...hai~

paiseh my posts are getting shorter and shorter..but since we kinda repeat the same things everyday...nothing new to add..hehe...see pics ba =D

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@ breakfast time!!!

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(actions of the hello kitty toy, from left to right): drumming, kiang kiang, shake shake bells~

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our beautiful bags!! kitty is the best! yay!!

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our luggage~~da bao xiao bao...

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hidden/ buried under the many many bags we had!

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outside the airport~

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inside the airport~