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I'm glad there are people who know their direction in life.
And are willing to accept this weird cycle that God has set for us.
I envy you. I want to feel motivated in my life too.

But I cant stop questioning.
I cant.

I live for the sake of those who loved me.
I live for the sake of seeing the future universe.
I live for the sake of seeing the many things and places that I've yet seen.
I live for the sake of the hope of a miracle or an enlightenment in life. I wait.

Yes, everyone has their own definition of meaning in life.
I really doubt the extistence of this meaning.
I really dont understand.

Even though i kept on questioning and doubting, I still move on.
At least I'm a logical skeptic.
I work hard. I earn money.
I want to repay my parents. If not for them, I would be roaming around the world finding the so-called non-existing Meaning of life.

I move on while questioning. This is the best I could do now.

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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