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Day 3~~

Day 3 Sunday
Destination: chinatown, MBK, world trade centre, Mood: satisfied, Weather: cooling~

Got kinda sick of the bkfast there...anw we going to chinatown to eat shark fin soup..so we decided not to eat much...(but in the end we ate like normal amount -.-) then we decided to go asia hotel to check out the lady boy show...along the way, saw this shop, selling shoes and bags...guess who went in first?? hee..yuan found a few bags she likes..white de..oh well..in the end, i think someone bought a pair of shoes there..but dun rem who liao?ee or bao ba..so li hai...early in the morning start shopping le...lol
reached the hotel realised the show costs abt 1000 baht = 40+ sing..wow..realise our spendable cash not a lot liao..decided not to spend on the show...haha..then we went to chinatown le~ the long awaited sharks fin soup! nice wor..not a bad lunch =) after lunch, we went to MBK again~..ran out of $$..had to go chg..shesh..first time i go overseas..chg not enough money de..hai~then back to shopping frenzy~
bought 2 bags, 2 heels and some other small small crap..then we had dunkin donuts as our afternoon tea!! OMG..YUMMY...i like the flavour i chose..simple yet nice..=)
actuallie they have some nice clothes..but i am too lazy or dun think i can fit in..so well..a bit sad but no choice...
alrighty..think i am a bit crapping le..anw we went for dinner at this place...ate jap food AGAIN..but very nice wor~~ *see pics* then it was back to world trade centre there again~ basically whole day shopping non stop! went back hotel, wanted to take photos of our zhan li pin..yuan alr put everything nice nice..but she fell asleep...lol so in the end she was like sleeping in a small corner of her bed cos it's full of the things she bought! REALLIE A LOT..after tt realised ee also fell aslp -.- left me n bao...after packing up etc also went to zzz~ *tired*

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somewhere along the road to sky train station~

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@ train station

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@Asia Hotel

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errrr...i look so...wu nai~ and one crazy woman feeding a grass reindeer...?

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chinatown's famous shark fin soup!!! YUMMY!

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my back view.. no way i could have known someone was secretly taking it=
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DUNKIN DONUTS! I LOVE IT..why sg dun have???

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muahaha our bags~! nice eh? we look so happie n satisfied~

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tai tai yuan~
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