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人活在这世上不单单是为了自己, 还为了你的家人,朋友,爱你的人.

Different people have different definition of life... likewise for happiness...
i Dun have to know how people define their meaning of life... as long as i know mine and as long as i found mine...

i work not for the sake of working, i work for a better future, to achieve the goals that i set for myself. I worked to provide a better living for my family, especially so for the 2 olds at home....
i can never share with them the hardship they go through in raising me up, the only way i could repay back is to be give them all the love that i have while they are still around... at this point in time, if pple asked why do i worked for, why do i study so hard for?... seriously apart for my future.... its for them.... at least this is an answer.... tho not a perfect one.

no it's not society that forces me to do so... not my parents either... its just that i want to make my life more meaningful... people need to study to gain knowledge.... people need to work to account and fend for themselves... unless you are a billionaire, your parents left u a huge wealth such that you dun have to work....but if that's not the case.... too bad...

i dun need to live for other people.... but i must understand the fact that my behaviour affects other people.... we all give and take.... there cannot be equality.... this one day, we hurt this someone, the other day, we are being hurt.... but its ok... this is wat is call life....

we are fortunate people... we are too fortunate to the extent that we oversee those that are less endowed.... im glad that for myself.... at least being in red cross has remind me that... in the midst of attaining success, i have to strike a balance in my life.... and look after my well-being....

engaged in more meaningful activities to truely add meaning to ur life rather than looking at ur life and finding meaning in it.... i find it easier that way....

i wish u guys luck in ur search to make ur life more meaningful.... im still trying to make mine more meaningful haha by finding that special someone.... meanwhile.... i can gladly tell myself that at least im well and be able to kick around everyday.... go to work like any normal people... i can put my brains to good use....

although i dun enjoy squeezing and being push around by people in the MRT.... at least i have transport..... sometimes when im in a bad mood, i get to push them back.... sometimes... that motivate me to earn more money so i can buy my dream car..... to earn more mula to get myself out of this rat race..... this day may or may not come true.... we dun know.... but at least im still able to dream about it.....

we should give ourselves a pat on the shoulders for studying so hard and make it thru.... yes there are alot of undergrads..... at least we are one of them..... imagine those without a degree...
from here, we should continue to build up our knowledge and grow ....


About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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