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Back... Lost touched.

I know i haven't been contributing much to this blog. Well, this won't be dead.. Let me keep it alive!

It's been two months plus since i left and i seemed to have totally lost touch with everyone and everything. Feeling a little sad sometimes when i think of it, but that's life. By the way, do you know i was truly very very happy when this blog was initially started. Haven't had the chance to tell you all this yet, but i was really happy to see this blog. Although it has been quiet lately, i will always check for new updates often. Hopefully this blog will keep me more in touch with everything back at home.

I just finished watching a Korean series (a reward for me after finishing my most difficult test of the semester, but that's not the point). Suddenly it makes sense to me that time and absence can really fade a relationship, no matter how close or how strong it is. From the point of the person who has left, everything back at home should remain as it is and not change much; but in actual fact, everything back home has changed as time tickles off. From the point of view of the person at home, everything will be the same after getting use to the absence and life still goes on with many ups and downs. Just different life at different time zones. As the eyes don't meet, the hearts drift apart. Is this true?

Right, too dramatic and emotional a post to add here. But i am truly feeling this way now (perhaps the Korean series is too emotional and this is the after-effect i am feeling). Sometimes i wonder, what would my life be if i haven't decide to continue my studies? Would i be happier or not?

Okie.. i shall stop all these nonsense. Now it's time for me to update myself with everything back there. How's everyone doing recently? It's Dec now and do you guys have any Xmas plan? Next week will be my last week for Semester 1 (Wheww... SO FAST!) and i'll be going to Rome and back in uk for Xmas. Not sure if it will snow during Xmas.. I hope it will just snow a bit so it won't be too cold. It's very windy here recently. Sometimes i feel as if i'm going to be blown off by the wind anytime and all hair is super duper messy when i finally get to sch.

Alright take care folks and remember to update me more about your happenings!

From the voice far far away.

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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