« Home | First post of the month » | hey peeps...just to inform u all...i have just ten... » | Unconditional Love story » | My contribution... » | Bobo & Weiwei 23rd » | wad i can say to yz is...i think most of us are al... » | Torn... » | hihi~ my turn to post a little sth...hee » | Hope u did enjoyed ur bdae dinner YUAn, alittl bel... » | I'm back..hee...after sooo long... »


Hey it's me again... Just to inform everyone that I"ll be back in SG on 26th Sept evening time. Hee btw, I found my house le and will be shifting to the new house in 4 weeks' time. Preview of my house is on my blog =)

Tc people! See you all when I am back for my holiday!.. Miss me hor? heee...