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Bobo & Weiwei 23rd

Hi girls, photos for Bobo and Weiwei 23rd birthday.. as promised, though abit late.. sorry

here goes.....

errrr, i dont know why there are SO MANY wei(s), these are the only FEW that i chose.. haha i only chose the pretty ones ok, miss wei...

First activity of the day: KTV (as usual)
I like the top left hand photo, everyone nicely captured. (of course the photographer is good too.. nyahaha)

Next: Dinner at Ichiban Boshi, with yuan joining us.. =)
Food was very nice... that day i remembered that we ate DAMN FAST... hahha

Bo's 23rd bday present: Mp3 player♪
Wei's 23rd bday present: Watch ★
☆ling ☆