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just finish work... dun feel like sleeping yet... cant believe it... it's 1.43am... no big deal.... but its big deal for someone who needs to sleep early like MEEEEEEEEEEE!

Thanks wyn... yes i enjoyed my bday very much though i have to work the next day and cant join yall for moive.... l want to laugh when i see those photos... thanks thanks...

Wei, going europe will be really cool.... tho the job sounds sucky.... dun noe leh, some how can go there like shiok shiok eh... then when you come back, u can write that experience in resume.. looks good... HA.. Btw, how long will you be going there?

i dunnoe what to say to yz...opps haha.... im moving into this phase: "work like there's no tmr"....now weekend is zzzZZZZ and more zzZZZZ.... and maybe more zzzZZZZ.... cos i seriously need zzzZZZZ.... cant beleive it man.... where's my life?

i hope property market go bust soon.... HAHA :P....

well the funny thing is... i dun detest work per se... i understand pple need to work if not life will be eqaully bo liao... at least for me la... cos i dun have any other hobbies which i can devote the whole entire day or entire life to.... but this is too much la.... i still need some play....

CRY AH!!!!!!!!!!!!....

sigh... ok lah... see yall again... less than 4.5 hrs, i haf to get up... saiz...
