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I'm back..hee...after sooo long...

Hello! Oops...so long nv drop in any message here...hope no one will blame me? *innocent face*

Anyway, being force to take leave for 3.5 days b4 gg down for that horrible job next week. Sigh..sucks... I'm soo lost....dunno what is it in life that I really wan? Does the prob lies with me? Like no dreams, no goals, no drive, no motivation, nothing for me to work towards to...everything seems so aimless...I feel like I have wasted so many years of my life, not knowing what I have actually been doing all these while. Even up til now, I still have no idea what I wan in life....but I really dun wan to just move on like that...Dreams and reality are jus so different..perhaps the prob really lies with me..I must admit I'm not those adventureous type, not those risk takers who is not afraid to give up everything for their dreams. But, I must say I'm really kind of sick and tired of the kind of life that I'm leading rite now...Sigh...anyway enough of all these le...think i can go on and on if I continue with this topic...and bet all u guys will be super bored with me..hee..

Haha...anyway wynne u be gg Taiwan le..so envious....I olso wan to go....anyone wan go with me? Hee...take care and enjoy your trip there k?


About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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