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wad i can say to yz is...i think most of us are also kinda lost one way or another...how many of us reallie LOVE the job we are doing...i mean a job is just a job for me...it's just a way to get by..$$..haha...i rem posting a similar entry abt finding the "meaning" in life on my blog..so dun worry, u are not the onli one who is lost..i guess...it's onli through doing different jobs that u will reallie know wad u wanna do?maybe u can explore a totallie diff industry =) *but pls...no musician or dancer or wad else did u say last time? =p* hahaha...in the meantime, look out for jobs lo...i think u shld at least stay in ey for abt a year? at least it sounds nicer on the resume too...it's just abt 2 more months and it's one year for u le~ so just tahan ba...

as to yuan...i guess working life is reallie lidat ba..work takes up a huge part of our lives now...it's kinda no choice...24 hours a day to me is not enough..haha..everyday i reach home alr abt 8++ 9..not much personal time left b4 i zzz..too bad we dun work in places like germany where they can go off from work at like 4+ 5, hehe..so plan for more long holidays lo...reward urself next time for the hard work u have put in~tt's the onli way to make ourselves feel better ba..=\

btw, 3rd july is officially my 1st year anniversary of working life~must go "celebrate" and reward myself a little...kekeke

-Wei^2 ^^V