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My contribution...

After only two days that i never visit this site, there are suddenly so many posts!

Now let me say a few words about what my life this month is like first. It was about 3 weeks ago that i finished all my reports and assignments. And then revision for exams started. My first paper is next wednesday. Anyway life is just about studying, studying and studying everyday. It's a marathon and i'm getting really tired of this marathon. To admit, i started revision pretty early, much earlier than everyone because i managed to finish my reports early. Perhaps it's not wise to start so early because i'm getting too tired of it. Anyway shall not complain about it anymore because i think it's really nothing compared to you all.. the working people who has no life at all too.

So now, my words to wei, hope you can get your secondment! So i can meet you at least for a month in uk! Hee.. though most probably i will be on tour mid sept to end sept before i fly back. Still, i think it's a good experience, although it's a totally different lifestyle and people here. And i have one question.. Do u have time for tour when u get seconded here? I thought it's suppose to be busy? But no worries because they will have a major Christmas holiday here where you can get all your offday and rest.

Yz, i think everyone has alot to say after what you posted because almost everyone feels the same i guess. Seriously, i think life is really not life in Singapore. It's boring, totally mundane and routined. That's not to say it's not good.. because i still think Sg is better than here. But it's the overly-routined place that we grew up that caused us to be like this. And i seriously think that is the reason because if i am living here, i don't think i will be who i am today. Well, seems like i am getting a bit out of point here.

Anyway, sometimes i hope to stay here for a longer time, because i seems to be out of the world and out of reality when i am here. No family affairs to attend to or take care, no trouble to face, no obligations to fulfil.. Nothing at all. Perhaps i am getting irresponsible or perhaps i like the freedom and the care-about-nothing life that i never experienced before. Well, it will be another 3 months plus that i will be going back. Perhaps that's why i am beginning to love it because i know i am leaving it.

Still, life is life. Talked to my mum recently and heard some heart-breaking news that i hate to hear. That moment, everything came back and i wished i can fly back to sg to help although there's nothing much i can do even if i go back. I think i am getting more out of point.

No wonder wyn always says i am superly naggy. I admit so i shall end here.

Far far away...

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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