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hihi~ my turn to post a little sth...hee

actuallie..just wanna tell u gals that i just had an interview today for my company's secondment to UK PwC..hehe..today's the first interview w the hr and staff mgrs...the interview went alright..i tried to appear "enthu" and "bubbly".. like super keen on this secondment..hee..hopefully it was convincing..altho i tot i sorta appeared overly eager...haha...well..if i am shortlisted for the second interview, it will be with the partner..and recently our dept's partner just changed to this ang moh...=\ he seems kinda like those that have high expectations...*scared* but that is if i get shortlisted lah...there are onli 2 places for this and i think abt 12 out of 22 applied...lesser ppl than i tot...but it's good lo...less competition..hee..

anywayz if i reallie get chosen, i shld be making my way to UK in eng aug or beg sept (which will be the time jy is touring ard i think)...hehe...if i reallie get to go it will be dam shiok...cos ait tix will be fully subsidised by the company...we will get allowance (per diem) there...but pay still paid in singapore (sad -.-) ...the best best part of it of cos will be the fact tt i get to tour my dream Europe...it's reallie like one of my dreams to visit the diff c'tries in Europe...so if i get to go this time, i go bankrupt i also must tour the diff c'tries there! hee..

but then again, i am not too keen on the work itself...cos i heard it's very mundane...everyday just face the computerS (it's paperless there) and churn tax returns...minimal interactions with the ppl...kinda saddening..and the thing is u onli have one more person going with u..so if u happen to not know or go w someone u dun reallie like then reallie sian 1/2 liao lo...tour ard europe w someone u dun reallie know is just so ............. "wasted"..heehe...but i shan't think so much cos tho onli abt 12 applied, competition is still stiff cos got some reallie zai ppl ard...=(

p/s: looking forward to july's pay raise...I AM BROKE :'(

-Princess Wei (muahaha) ^^V