Saturday, June 30, 2007

hey peeps...just to inform u all...i have just tendered...going to work in coutts bank von ernst starting from 9th july..=( it was a rather sudden opportunity to go work in a bank...tot for very long b4 i decided to make the switch...very sad to leave pwc..but i guess it's for the better..=)
i think the environment in pwc is too comfy which is why it's so hard to leave..esp the ppl tt i have worked w are all so nice..=( i cried buckets when i went to tell my snr mgr my decision...boohoo...anywayz...when i start work in the bank will update u all on how's it like there...till then..everyone work/study hard...jia you lo~

Wei^2 (with swollen eyes)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Unconditional Love story

Its just a short story i wanna share with u guys... =):

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco.
"Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a friend I'd like to bring home with me."
"Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him."
"There's something you should know the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."

"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," said the father, "you don't know what you're asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own."

At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know, their son had only one arm and one leg.

The parents in this story are like many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don't like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from people who aren't as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are. Thankfully, there's someone who won't treat us that way. Someone who loves us with an unconditional love that welcomes us into the forever family, regardless of how messed up we are. These people are our true friends and families.

As I read the above story, I suddenly felt a tinge of guilt within me. It touches my heart so much. How often have we complaint how unhappy, how unlucky, how dreadful life is. Have I ever consider the beauty of life? Have I found happiness from people who love and accept me for who I am? Have i learnt to accept people who are different from me?

To my dearie frens out dere, each day when we feel depressed, when we feel lousy, when we feel dat life loses its meaning out dere, think of all the people who loves us unconditionally, and think of how lucky we are to be able to wake up each day seeing the people we love to meet and experiencing life challenges with those who could accept us for who we are. I guess not all of us are lucky enough to be born with good health and blessed with friends and families who love and care.

Treasure every moment in life dearies! See the beauty even in times of darkness, and understand that somewhere out dere, theres light, theres hope and there's LOVE.

Sorry for the long post.... =) hope i din bore u guys........cheer up to all ya! and stay positive!


Friday, June 08, 2007

My contribution...

After only two days that i never visit this site, there are suddenly so many posts!

Now let me say a few words about what my life this month is like first. It was about 3 weeks ago that i finished all my reports and assignments. And then revision for exams started. My first paper is next wednesday. Anyway life is just about studying, studying and studying everyday. It's a marathon and i'm getting really tired of this marathon. To admit, i started revision pretty early, much earlier than everyone because i managed to finish my reports early. Perhaps it's not wise to start so early because i'm getting too tired of it. Anyway shall not complain about it anymore because i think it's really nothing compared to you all.. the working people who has no life at all too.

So now, my words to wei, hope you can get your secondment! So i can meet you at least for a month in uk! Hee.. though most probably i will be on tour mid sept to end sept before i fly back. Still, i think it's a good experience, although it's a totally different lifestyle and people here. And i have one question.. Do u have time for tour when u get seconded here? I thought it's suppose to be busy? But no worries because they will have a major Christmas holiday here where you can get all your offday and rest.

Yz, i think everyone has alot to say after what you posted because almost everyone feels the same i guess. Seriously, i think life is really not life in Singapore. It's boring, totally mundane and routined. That's not to say it's not good.. because i still think Sg is better than here. But it's the overly-routined place that we grew up that caused us to be like this. And i seriously think that is the reason because if i am living here, i don't think i will be who i am today. Well, seems like i am getting a bit out of point here.

Anyway, sometimes i hope to stay here for a longer time, because i seems to be out of the world and out of reality when i am here. No family affairs to attend to or take care, no trouble to face, no obligations to fulfil.. Nothing at all. Perhaps i am getting irresponsible or perhaps i like the freedom and the care-about-nothing life that i never experienced before. Well, it will be another 3 months plus that i will be going back. Perhaps that's why i am beginning to love it because i know i am leaving it.

Still, life is life. Talked to my mum recently and heard some heart-breaking news that i hate to hear. That moment, everything came back and i wished i can fly back to sg to help although there's nothing much i can do even if i go back. I think i am getting more out of point.

No wonder wyn always says i am superly naggy. I admit so i shall end here.

Far far away...

Bobo & Weiwei 23rd

Hi girls, photos for Bobo and Weiwei 23rd birthday.. as promised, though abit late.. sorry

here goes.....

errrr, i dont know why there are SO MANY wei(s), these are the only FEW that i chose.. haha i only chose the pretty ones ok, miss wei...

First activity of the day: KTV (as usual)
I like the top left hand photo, everyone nicely captured. (of course the photographer is good too.. nyahaha)

Next: Dinner at Ichiban Boshi, with yuan joining us.. =)
Food was very nice... that day i remembered that we ate DAMN FAST... hahha

Bo's 23rd bday present: Mp3 player♪
Wei's 23rd bday present: Watch ★
☆ling ☆

Thursday, June 07, 2007

wad i can say to yz is...i think most of us are also kinda lost one way or many of us reallie LOVE the job we are doing...i mean a job is just a job for's just a way to get by..$$..haha...i rem posting a similar entry abt finding the "meaning" in life on my dun worry, u are not the onli one who is lost..i's onli through doing different jobs that u will reallie know wad u wanna do?maybe u can explore a totallie diff industry =) *but musician or dancer or wad else did u say last time? =p* the meantime, look out for jobs lo...i think u shld at least stay in ey for abt a year? at least it sounds nicer on the resume's just abt 2 more months and it's one year for u le~ so just tahan ba...

as to yuan...i guess working life is reallie lidat takes up a huge part of our lives's kinda no choice...24 hours a day to me is not enough..haha..everyday i reach home alr abt 8++ 9..not much personal time left b4 i zzz..too bad we dun work in places like germany where they can go off from work at like 4+ 5, plan for more long holidays lo...reward urself next time for the hard work u have put in~tt's the onli way to make ourselves feel better ba..=\

btw, 3rd july is officially my 1st year anniversary of working life~must go "celebrate" and reward myself a little...kekeke

-Wei^2 ^^V


just finish work... dun feel like sleeping yet... cant believe it... it's 1.43am... no big deal.... but its big deal for someone who needs to sleep early like MEEEEEEEEEEE!

Thanks wyn... yes i enjoyed my bday very much though i have to work the next day and cant join yall for moive.... l want to laugh when i see those photos... thanks thanks...

Wei, going europe will be really cool.... tho the job sounds sucky.... dun noe leh, some how can go there like shiok shiok eh... then when you come back, u can write that experience in resume.. looks good... HA.. Btw, how long will you be going there?

i dunnoe what to say to yz...opps haha.... im moving into this phase: "work like there's no tmr" weekend is zzzZZZZ and more zzZZZZ.... and maybe more zzzZZZZ.... cos i seriously need zzzZZZZ.... cant beleive it man.... where's my life?

i hope property market go bust soon.... HAHA :P....

well the funny thing is... i dun detest work per se... i understand pple need to work if not life will be eqaully bo liao... at least for me la... cos i dun have any other hobbies which i can devote the whole entire day or entire life to.... but this is too much la.... i still need some play....

CRY AH!!!!!!!!!!!!....

sigh... ok lah... see yall again... less than 4.5 hrs, i haf to get up... saiz...


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

hihi~ my turn to post a little sth...hee

actuallie..just wanna tell u gals that i just had an interview today for my company's secondment to UK's the first interview w the hr and staff mgrs...the interview went alright..i tried to appear "enthu" and "bubbly".. like super keen on this secondment..hee..hopefully it was convincing..altho i tot i sorta appeared overly eager...haha...well..if i am shortlisted for the second interview, it will be with the partner..and recently our dept's partner just changed to this ang moh...=\ he seems kinda like those that have high expectations...*scared* but that is if i get shortlisted lah...there are onli 2 places for this and i think abt 12 out of 22 applied...lesser ppl than i tot...but it's good lo...less competition..hee..

anywayz if i reallie get chosen, i shld be making my way to UK in eng aug or beg sept (which will be the time jy is touring ard i think)...hehe...if i reallie get to go it will be dam shiok...cos ait tix will be fully subsidised by the company...we will get allowance (per diem) there...but pay still paid in singapore (sad -.-) ...the best best part of it of cos will be the fact tt i get to tour my dream's reallie like one of my dreams to visit the diff c'tries in if i get to go this time, i go bankrupt i also must tour the diff c'tries there! hee..

but then again, i am not too keen on the work itself...cos i heard it's very mundane...everyday just face the computerS (it's paperless there) and churn tax returns...minimal interactions with the ppl...kinda saddening..and the thing is u onli have one more person going with if u happen to not know or go w someone u dun reallie like then reallie sian 1/2 liao lo...tour ard europe w someone u dun reallie know is just so ............. "wasted"..heehe...but i shan't think so much cos tho onli abt 12 applied, competition is still stiff cos got some reallie zai ppl ard...=(

p/s: looking forward to july's pay raise...I AM BROKE :'(

-Princess Wei (muahaha) ^^V

Hope u did enjoyed ur bdae dinner YUAn, alittl belated tho...heres e pics! enjoy! -wyn

I'm back..hee...after sooo long...

Hello! long nv drop in any message here...hope no one will blame me? *innocent face*

Anyway, being force to take leave for 3.5 days b4 gg down for that horrible job next week. I'm soo lost....dunno what is it in life that I really wan? Does the prob lies with me? Like no dreams, no goals, no drive, no motivation, nothing for me to work towards to...everything seems so aimless...I feel like I have wasted so many years of my life, not knowing what I have actually been doing all these while. Even up til now, I still have no idea what I wan in life....but I really dun wan to just move on like that...Dreams and reality are jus so different..perhaps the prob really lies with me..I must admit I'm not those adventureous type, not those risk takers who is not afraid to give up everything for their dreams. But, I must say I'm really kind of sick and tired of the kind of life that I'm leading rite now...Sigh...anyway enough of all these le...think i can go on and on if I continue with this topic...and bet all u guys will be super bored with me..hee..

Haha...anyway wynne u be gg Taiwan envious....I olso wan to go....anyone wan go with me? Hee...take care and enjoy your trip there k?


Friday, June 01, 2007


Enjoy =)


About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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