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Wa La Wa LA

Hi Hi, dun like that say leh... i got read blog one ... but in the office i cant post, wait i kena caught, boss says tmr no need to report for work liao.... hahah thank feng bo zi for the updates... yes im busy but not busy granting credit... cos i not so da li yet.... im helping to prepare the proposal tho.... and doing some sai kang admin staff....

got a shock!! bobo become chinese teacher.... feng lao shi, zao!!! wa haahaha cant imagine.... ok la, cant be any worse off than an auditor la... that job really is ou xin li xue.... ehhh this is not to demean the other two auditors intentionally, but judging from the way yall say.... sounds kong bu la....

in good mood today.... after recovering from food poisoning.... hope my endorphins (hope i spell correctly) will last longer...

to the rest, kamateh in wateva y'all are enduring now... times may be good or bad, but pls remember that the world out there is still good and these days, weather have start to improve so well... got wind got sun.... wa lau where to find.....

okie.... went for ccourse today, no need to work hahah, so today got a little bit of energy left to write so much ....

see y'all ard in the blog....

:) yuan

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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