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updates...for who leh...=\

hmm...just curious...do the others reallie read this blog?? i think the last time yz read this blog is when we asked (or rather forced) her to post an entry at her house..which is like zillion years ago...=.= sigh...

anywayz..i duno who is the one who always complain "i am so hungry!" on the train..or who always say "i am not hungry now leh" when i ask her to ta pao food home and ends up cooking horrible maggi mee at home and msn me the /cry icon -.- boringgggggg~

btw..after bao become tcha, she wun be so busy le! hooray~ got 1 more person to jio for ktv! if not so boring...onli got me and a particular dodo -.- zzz...then again, peak is coming...i duno if i will have the time or energy to go out? =( sadz..

p/s: to see my new found hair style..can check out my bloggie...^^;;

Donut Kia aka Miss O.o

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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