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Hi girls...

Just some updates....
Bobo - She already tendered... She is going to be Chinese Teacher!!!
I think she'll start her teaching career in March.
Bobo, hope you like your job... All the besttttttttttt!!

Weiwei - she cut her fringe. like a doll now =) Everyday besides telling me she's hungry and bored, nothing new -.-

Ee - struggling with work and studies now. Exams in April. My collleague already almost finsihed studying.. and i'm only at introductory chapters.

Yuan - disappear from earth. hehe.. property market damn shiok now, she's probably busy granting credit..

/feng (auditor no.1) - seems to be immuned from working OTs. Should be having a longer break in March or Apr or something

Wynne (auditor no.2) - disappeared too. seems to be busy eating food and working like MAD in office (as usual)

JY - just finished her exams (finally!). enduring temperature at zero degrees or less. Has yet to received our 2006 xmas card (damn!).

- ling on behalf of all siete-7 members-

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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