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the long awaited...BKK TRIP~~

please bear with me..this will prob be a very long post..to include pics + "report" of our bkk trip which is SOOOOOOOOOO long overdued...but better late than nv =P

Flight on thurs night..
Time of Flight: 840pm, Terminal 1, Destination: Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport, Mood: so so
Health: like shit

Took MC on that day..wanted to rest at home so i wun be too sick in bkk...so i was in no rush to go home..@ 530, bao msg me say she on cab liao...ms ee? still in office...6+...ee said she just left office..*worried* supposed to meet at 715 at airport...@ 650 finally went to fetch the two of them...*rush rush* who knows when we reached there...flight delayed -.- grrr...rushed for nothing...anywayz rotted till boarding time...first time sit budget air...me scared..whole mood for the night = sian...brain haven register that we are actuallie going bkk i guess..in fact that time, i wish i can stay in sg...anywayz..on the plane...super cold?! i had to take out my socks and wear..but still cold?! bao worse..she only brought a jacket (do u call tt a jacket =\?) short sleeve one..*shivers*
finally at Suvarnabhumi airport...VERY BIG...had to take a bus from plane to the arrival hall..but BIG is big la..but facilities/convenience still not tt good...perhaps still new so haven develop finish ba..anywayz took a cab to our hotel...kinda scary...driver answered his phone and only drove w one hand...omg...and later ee told me his meter..has no needle?so how he know wad speed he driving at?!?! shesh..scary
reached hotel, they had trouble finding our registration...boohoo..but lucky din take too long b4 they gave us our rooms..by the time we settled down..everyone very tired liao..quick quick decide tml's itenary then off to zzz land..

Mood: Excited, Health: Slightly better..got sore throat though..

finally accepted the fact that we are IN bkk..hee..bkfast at hotel..so so..but edible..wanted to walk to Asia Hotel (sth lidat i forgot the name)..i tot we were going to First Hotel...so confidently said i know the way..until i realised my mistake.......-.- but anywayz we went in to get a map and ask for directions..anw we are in the right directions..hee...
reached Asia hotel..wanted to book the Lady Boy Show..but not opened...sad..so off we went to take sky train to the river cruise there..their sky train quite nice..though a bit short...and the best part is..instead of having a notice that says "please offer this seat to pregnant women or elderly" it has "please offer this seat to monks" so cool~
reached the cruise...off we go...quite fun la..i like sitting boats..got down to go Temple of Dawn..very nice temple..and then we decided to go to see the Great Reclining Buddha, then after that we walked to the Grand Palace which is supposedly just next to the reclining buddha but we were at the back so had to walk to the front..the walk took us forever, along the way, saw the kids on buses (on excursions i guess)..yuan started waving to them and they all waved back..very cute..although to me..nothing much cos i dun like kids..anywayz, the grand palace...exactly how grand was it? we nv found out..cos we din go in...need abt 250 baht each = 10++ but we decided to save the money..(which is lucky that we did) by then, we were all suffering from a mild attack of dehydration..sky has no clouds at all..sun shining down on us like we are solar panels..zzz *absorb sunlight* crazy sia..quickly left the palace to go MBK..wooooooo heaven~! AIR CON ... since all of us are dying from the heat and hunger, off to find food~
went to this place that was like food court style but slightly nicer...greedy us had ice cream except ee...the ice cream very nice wor!! rich and creamy..wad i love~! anywayz this marks the crazy shopping frenzy of our trip...we bought our vic beck jeans there...tho in the end, we found a cheaper one..but well...since they help us alter..we shan't complain..i reallie like that jeans btw..all four of us bought..i dun reallie rem wad i bought cos after that we went back to MBK again on sunday..but i think we would have gotten cheaper deals if we knew how to bargain better..hee..and the thing is when we buy shoes, they dun wan to find us a new pair..always say "last one" i think we hear this phrase till we sian..
by evening time, my feet are totallie gone...i can't bear to stand anymore...went to eat at 7+ 8 i think..stomach grumbling...then we went to i-can't-rem-wad-that-place-is-called to eat...niceeeeee...i had my beloved chicken..yummy~ bao had tom yam..ee and yuan had pizza..all nice..=D satisfied dinner..then we went to buy bra..or rather ee did for her fren..and we walked ard that place and guess wad we found?!! A LOVELY HELLO KITTY CORNER...omg..if i can, i wish i can have them all! we also saw this teddy corner, where we can make the teddy, dress it up, even got sound one...so cool~ after that i think we all a bit dead..so back to hotel we went...tired but happie~
after that we decided to play some cards since still not too late...but half way think yuan reallie too tired so she went to dreamland first...
we shifted to bao and me's room..played this card game ee bought..for 20+ sing (craziee) called chez geek..after that started painting nails..=\ refer to pics below..speak for themselves..shortly after...all went zzz land..

On the river cruiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

sceneries along the river cruise...

Outside the Temple of Dawn

Part of Temple of Dawn...a temple with very exquisite details..lotsa scultures/statues with very detailed carving...nice~


The Grand Palace..outside...
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our lunch~!

Outside MBK

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HELLO KITTY CORNERRRRRRR..can u all spot ee's x'mas present?? hee

Paint paint paint..blackieeeessssssssss

(from right to left): scissors, paper, stone!

guess which feet is whose?? (hint: of cos my one is the nicest...muahaha)

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see how scared we are.....????

Pinkie Wei~