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JY's bday...@ her house...
took cab to her house...kena scolded by the driver -.- he was very nice when we first boarded...subsequently he got more n more irritated -.-...siao siao one...
Dinner was nice plus i was hungry :P heee...

JY scratched me w a fork T_T (fyi ms jy, i still have the 'scar' hor...haven fully healed)
hiding in the room to write the card :P
There u go, a photo of 2 of u :)
The envelope :) very nice hor...Wynne decorate de...
The card~ (nv take the front...i chose very long hor)

CAKES O_O alot sia

Happy Birthday to you~

So here starts the photo taking -.-
6 ...if only yuan was there then will be 7 of us :)

Auntie ee...ur eyes 也未免太小了吧?(jk~)
Do we look like gamblers? =\ so many coins...hahahhaa
so we stayed on while everyone left to play black jack...i reallie dunno how to play sia ...-.-"
but it was fun :) would have stayed later if not for the fact that i had spanish class the next day :(

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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