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After sooooo long.....Day 5 of Japan trip...Ooops....

Hi guys,

So sorrie...din come in blog for a very long time liao...hence, decided to hurry finish blogging for the Japan trip then...so that u guys can continue to post on this blog....hee....

Day 5 (Mt Fuji - Tokyo)

Breakfast at the hotel:

While we still have time before meeting the rest of the tour group ppl, we decided to take some photos around the hotel.

Posing outside the hotel:

haha...guess what both wei and ee trying to do here?Hee...we were trying to capture the "smoke" when we open our months to show that the weather is really cold...hmm..but apparently, can't tell anything from the pic...haha...

On our way to the Owakudani Valley, we passed by this place and our tour guide, Ms Ogawa decided to let us take some photos and to take our group photos here as well...

Up next is the Owakudani Valley, also known as the " Boiling Valley".

Hmmm...it is said that by eating the "black" egg from this valley, you will be 7 years younger. Hmmh..so how's the effect of this egg? Haha..look at the below photos to see if there is any diff lo...haha...

Next, we moved on to Lake Ashi where we will take a cruise on the "hai dao chuan"...

Next, is lunch time.....

Had a really satisfying lunch....just look at the empty bowl and you can imagine liao...

Here's a photo taken with our super nice driver....
After lunch, we are on our way to Toyko.......and our first stop is the Asakusa Temple.
Next, to shinjuku.....

After that, we went to Ginza where we get to buy our blue label from the burberry shop...

After all the shopping and stuffs, its dinner time for us...yeah...weather is cold as usual....the food will come in handy...haha..

After dinner, we went to take some photos of the night scenes in Tokyo....Here are some of the snapshots taken:

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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