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Hola~~shall have new things on our bloggie...:P
This is OVER dued...but better late than nv~~ :) yuan's bday @ Bishan Park's Prawn "farm"

The place has 2 ponds...seriously i was quite surprised to see SO many ppl there...i din know it's such a popular activity :P
Lucky bday girl...(why lucky?...read on~)
The bait...chicken liver...ewwww do u see the ants?!!?
The only one who has been to prawning b4~ putting on the bait on the hook
Un-twirling the string~
She just put it in for like 2 seconds and BINGO...so fast~
another one~ and becos it was our first time, all of us were very excited and a bit over reacted =\ pulled too hard and hit the ppl beside us (sry fellow prawners :X)
Close up shot of prawnie...=( poor things...
My first catch...Muy grande eh~(very big) :) and i screamed like a mad woman and hit the neighbouring uncle -.- shit.
Our biggest catch that day...even the lady boss say it's very hard for ppl to get such a big catch...lucky~ (i forgot who caught it~is it yuan?) but the pincers were quite big so we had no choice but to cut them off...omg...how the prawn struggled...:(
Right after the BIG catch...see the thing in bao's hand~ hehehehehe...(jian)
After trying at the same spot for a long time, thye decided to change to the other pond...
after seeing the struggling prawns...i decided to leave the prawning to them...:\
cos we also nv think so much when we decided to go prawning but after seeing the prawns struggling in pain ...i decided prawning is reallie not my thing...
then we got bored.....

hooray another catch...yuan's the champion that day~

After awhile, we decided to call it a day and go COOK our prawnssssssssss...

Presents :P we bluffed yuan that we can't find any canto teaching tapes...that's why we made one ourselves..and showed her the video clips that we recorded in cantonese...hiak hiak...

Our catch~ wow...but the auntie overcharged us lorrrrrrrrr...the prawns are ours but the dish still cost quite a bit -.-"

WOW! the meat!

seeeee how big that prawn is? it's like a mini lobster!

satisfied :)

Satisfied customers :D
Anyways, here's a look of the "book" we did :)

Wynne (written by moi on behalf of wynne :P) as she was in Australia
We recorded the video clips a few days b4...bao n yz came to my house...both of them had alr done theirs at yz's house...apparently yz took several takes...kekeke...bao took 2 onli :) to say things in front of the camera is quite scary...i dunno why :P so anywayz i only did it once, even though I said a word wrongly but i refuse to take another time!!! hahahaha...i wanted to upload the videos...but somehow i can't find them anymore! boohoo~

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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