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I shall add a post!

Yo yo... It's been a loooooong loooooong time since anyone posted anything?! Hee so i shall break the silence and add a new post! Although I dont really have a topic for the post, I shall just give you all some update about myself then.

Well, life is normal for me here... I am doing the same research thingy day in day out. Now I am preparing for my Annual Review which will promote me to the second year after I pass through the panel with my report and presentation. Something like a viva but not as strict I guess (afterall it's the transfer to second year and not final year!). But still that will keep me busy and stressed till end of June.

Anyway my initial plan is to be back on 20th August, but now I might be going back earlier in July. But it's just tentative plan and will depend on my progress after June ba. Hm... Any more updates? Nothing much I'm afraid because life is boring and mundane over here..

So how is everyone doing at work? Any updates???

From tiny tiny JY in the west

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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