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Japan Trip!

Hi everyone, we are back from Japan! Well, since I'm still on leave, I shall start to blog on our trip to Japan then....

9 May 2008 (departed from Singapore Changi Airport T1)
Flight: JAL 722
Time of flight: 11.55pm
Destination: Kansai Airport

Yeah...we are finally going to Japan! Can't help but feeling excited over this trip....hee...Anyway, we are supposed to meet the person in charge at around 9.55pm to collect our e-ticket. Had my dinner at Changi airport...and guess what I had for dinner? Ajisen....haha...seems quite dumb to have Jap food just before I'm setting off to Japan...hee....but anyway, managed to meet up with Ee and wei at 9.55pm, collected our e-tickets and checked in our luggage. As it was still kinda early, we decided to go in and shop around lst before our flight takes off...
At the gate, we were trying hard to figure out who are the people that might be in the same tour group as us as we were totally clueless abt the people that we'll be gg with...At last,we manage to spot one potential family as they are carrying the tour agency baggage....haha....Well, the 3 of us were pretty bored while waiting for the gate to open and in the meantime, wei is pretty pissed off with a pimple popping out at her nose as you can see from her blog...hahaha......

Finally, we were on board the plane...this is actually our lst time on JAL flight. The flight was quite empty, prob cos it was a non-peak season....it was a 6 hours plus flight to Japan and we were to reach Kansai airpot around 7 plus (Japan Time)

10 May 2008 (Reached Kansai Airport)

We have reached Japan! Feeling very excited now...cos we are gg to meet our your ppl and the tour guide for the very lst time. Hmm...our tour guide is Ms Ogawa and she is a very da jie da kind of person....someone not to trifle with. She is a nice tour guide, I must say and with her around, all of us are rather punctual for all the activities that were laid out for us...haha...Anyway, there are 19 people in our tour grp and it took me awhile to realise that all the rest are actually travelling with their family members except the 3 of us.... Anyway, we met up with the group and the lst news that the tour guide break to us is that the highest temp out there is only 13 degrees!!!! Omg..I mean we were totally caught unprepared....all we had was jus those normal jacket to last us throughout the whole trip.....So, at the airport itself, all of us were rummaging through our luggage to find the thickist jacket that we can find before boarding the coach. It was drizzling outside...so sad..lst day of the trip and we have to carry our umbrella all around the places.....and to take photos with the umbrellas....hai...what a day......

But, anyway, our lst stop in Japan is the Todaiji Temple. Over here, there is also the Nara deer park whereby the deers are free to roam around....Below are some of the snapshots that we took:

The three of us in the Todaiji Temple (look at us, this is the thickist jacket we have to last us for the whole trip)

The place whereby we are supposed to cleanse ourselves before gg into the temple:

First, we are supposed to take the water, then wash our left, followed by right hand. Then, drink the water. Haha...does this sounds familiar...cos its extracted from wei's blog...hee

Nara Deer Park within the Temple

Straight after this is the universal studio....Only 9 out of the 19 ppl from our tour went to the Universal Studio...the rest went to Kobe Chinatown in the meantime. The rain continues, with no intention to stop at all....and the weather at Universal Studio was super cold....so cold that we dun even feel like taking photos.....and we have to keep hiding in the souvenir shops in order to keep ourselves warm......
One thing about Universal Studio is that everthing is said in Japanese....and hence, needless to say, 3 of us were really clueless about the rides that we were going for and whether the rides are scary or not....Thus, most of the times, we were actually scaring ourselves, only to find out later that the rides are actually not scary at all..haha...

Entrance of Universal Studio:

Some of the shots that we took:

Our lst lunch in Japan......

Wow...this is so pinkish and errr....so shiwei......

Right after this, we were on our way to the Osaka Castle, where we would be having our dinner around that area. The weather was amazingly cold, prob cos its nearing nite time.....we could hardly walk at all...and guess wat, we were the slowest among all the ppl in our tour grp....that's how cold we were.....

Our dinner:

Surprisingly, after the dinner, we weren't as cold as before...but the weather was still very cold....

Up next, off to Shinsaibashi for our lst shopping trip in Osaka....
Wanted to go to the 100 Yen shop in Shinsaibashi but due to time constraint...we had to give that a miss...and ultimately, for our our trip, we din even get to go to their 100 Yen shop....
After this, we went back to our hotel to rest...

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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