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Japan Trip comtinues....Day 3

Hi...its me again! haha....Ee just commented today that after reading wei's blog and mine..she felt that she's like reading the same thing...so sad...haha...but that won't stop me from peeping at wei's blog while writing this entry...heehee...Anyway, off to day 3 of our Japan trip then...

10 May 2008 (Osaka-Kyoto-Gamagori)

The rain has finally stopped. Yeah...thank goodness....finally get to walk on the streets without umbrellas and the best thing is that we can even wear and take pictures in our normal outfit, without having our jackets over us....haha...

Well, our lst stop is the Kiyomizu Temple which is built into a steep hillside and suspended on giant pillars.

Here's a snap shots along the way to the temple:

Hmmm..Japaneses students' uniforms are so smart and nice...so envious

Finally get to see the temple from far....after the long walk along the slope...

It is believed that by drinking the water, your age will be reduced...but well...3 of us din get to drink any as the queue was pretty long..

Hmmm...this is our tofu ice-cream....does it looks good??Oiishi......

Up next is the Kyoto Gion, which is Kyoto's most famous geisha district

Probably its still early in the morning, the streets are along Kyoto Gion is kinda quiet. As we still some time before boarding the coach to our next destination, we decided to head to Lawson, the convenience store to buy some stuffs...The 3 of us ended up buying cup noodles to try if there are any differences from what we usually eat in Singapore and Wei olso bought herself a bottle of warm coffee....

Next, we head to the Kimono Fashion show.....

After the Kimono fashion show, we had our lunch.

After lunch, we head to the Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), which is a pagoda made to house the sacred relics of the Buddha and is covered in gold leaf.

The entrance ticket which is actually an amulet

Next, we proceed to Arashiyama.

Wow...what a 'cool' dog...hee....

Finally, its dinner time! We had a buffet style dinner as shown in the photo below.

After dinner, its back to our hotel...and we get to go the hot spring in our hotel! Hee...feel kinda excited as this is a first time for all of us to experience the hot spring in Japan....its really a totally new experience for us....hee......After that, we went back to our rooms to pose for more photos...hahaha....
I thought I really look like a samurai in this except that I don't have my samurai sword....haha....
Anyway, that's the end for our third day in Japan...shall continue to blog on the rest of the trip......

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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