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Ee's bday @ Waraku...

First time she is wearing her present from JY...:P ( so niceeeee~~)

The food.....

I am copying a paragraph we got from another bday card..heee..we din wanna get that card cos it was a bit too plain but the words were nice...

Free ppl :P

View from our seat..

Card decorating time...

i like this photo...cos it looks so natural :P

@ this point, i forgot how to write ee's chinese name (ops~)

The product :) something different from the usual, instead of everyone writing something, we just signed our names ^^

The BLACK watch...:P bao, yz and i went to buy the present...in the end, the 2 of them bot a watch each too...and i swear we spent such a long time in that watch shop~ and the poor ppl have to run twice to another branch to get a new watch for them...kekekke...

errr...the dessert? some fried salmon thing which of cos i dun eat :P hehehehe

I tot we have a photo of all 5 of us ...i must have rem wrongly :X

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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