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Finally settled down to write something. Eating my lunch now.
How are you guys? Our dear Jingyi is coming back eh, let's meet up soon!
Next week I am free except sat.

Been very busy recently, so many stuff piling up but lazy to do them. Met up with Wynne recently with another grps of friends and Wei a few weeks ago for dinner at compass point cos noone to eat dinner with me. The rest of you really long time no see. Btw, can anyone change that photo on the blog at the right hand side? I will do so if I know how, but unfortunately, I don't, hehe. I am sure we have a more decent photo right?

Since Yanzhen seem like she will never log in to write something, I shall help her update you guys. Haha.. Just talked to her on msn and she told me she got bitten by bed bugs all over her hand at Bangkok and have to see doctor and go for injection. She's wearing long sleeves shirt to work everyday. Sound so poor thing, we better not go to the hotel she stayed. I don't rmb the name, but it's not the one we stayed in the last time we went.

I just got my laptop fixed a few days ago cos I cannot log onto the internet with my router although my desktop can. Had to reformat my laptop, I also not sure what's wrong, don't quite understand but the guy even managed to help me get my wireless going, previously I have to use the wire cos I don't know how to activate the wireless. I am such a computer idiot. Was so frustrated cos had wait for my sis to finish using the com for the internet and I am in a rush to send project drafts and stuff to my friends, but now the problem is solved. Anyway, now I can log onto the net even in my bedroom! YAY! So happy.

Oh well, yannie is ignoring me again, prob went for lunch.
K la, see you guys soon! Don't need to sign off la huh, I'm sure you all know who I am.. ^_^

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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