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Wish List #1

Hmm! as everyone seems very paiseh to start the ball rolling...i shall be thick skinned as usual and post my "wish list" first (esp since i am leaving for aussie tml liao)...

1. Gerrard - My Captain's Book
2. Carragher Autobiography
3. Black stockings/tights that are translucent but not tooooo light (not reallie those stockings that aunties wear pls...=X) this might be a bit hard to get :\
4. long necklaces to go w my work clothes or accessories from Chomel also can :)
5. a small plain bag to bring out during lunch (black if possible (no, i am not trying to be like ee -.-))
6. Hello Kitty things also okie...as long as it's not too kiddish :P

I think the books might burst the budget lahz so i decided to put in a few more choices...:P any of the above is fine with me :) Muchas Gracias~

Weeeee...tml i no need to go to work (yipee!) and it's the first time i am taking such a long break from work...2 weeks plus 1 day = 17 days away from work! :D