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24th birthday wishes

For Wynne =)

How are you all going to celebrate? Hai... really miss the gatherings and all the dinners and drinking and ktv-ing sessions *sob* But still.. hope you all enjoy the celebration and hope you'll stay happy and chirpy always, wynne!

It's going to be the Easter break soon for me but I seems to be having no break this time =( Hai... So how is everyone in their work?? Busy busy and working working all-day long??

Anyway, another update: I've experienced my first earthquake in the UK last week! Hahaa.. it was 1am and i was actually sleeping but was woken up and could feel the bed shaking and walls vibrating. The news said it was 5.2 scale but i guess i was too sleepy and not very awake at that moment to realise what was going on and thought it was just a dream until i read the news and confirmed it was really earthquake!! Coool..

So this is just a little interesting update from me... Hope to see more photos and update here from you guys =)

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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