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Christmas Gathering 2007 ver2.0

nyahaha... finally i've some time to blog..

Here are some of the photos from my camera..

Activity 1: 食字路口
(Losing) Team members: Wei, Bo & Ee
Linking food: 面粉果 --〉果汁 --〉芝麻糊汤丸 --〉wanton with 酱青 --〉qing chao (仙草)

ee & wei drinking soya sauce... siao...

Activity 2: Pictionary

wonder if eveyone still remember the "Crane" clue? hahax100000 zillion
Yz crane vs Jy crane. lol.

Activity 3 : Present exchange(pls see previous blog entry by JY) & Dinner

Xmas dinner - Pizza + KFC!!! yum1

Last activity: drinking + Truth & Truth session (absent with apologies, yuan & wyn)

疯狂大小game. everyone draw 1 card, smallest card drink. draw joker card, drink 2 shots.
biggest loser, think is bobo.. haha (quite obvious by looking at the photos below)

The night ended with > 50 questions of truth & truth.

I had a great xmas. Hope everyone had fun too. =)

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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