Monday, November 27, 2006

Real friend?

What is a real friend all about?

Quite some time ago, a friend asks me this question too. Honestly, I couldn’t answer her. To me, a good friend is some who will “fu4 tang1 dao2 huo3” for her friends, without asking for anything in return.

That friend told me that definition of a friend is just someone for accompaniment, someone to keep you company when u are bored. Someone to lunch with you when u cant find anyone else to go with. Someone who is just your shopping mate, coz you feel lonely to shop by yourself. To some extent, I agree with her.

Wei, you are right, a friend should know what to do when things happen. Knowing likes and dislikes proves NOTHING.
I don’t want to be an useless and helpless friend too.


have u ever wondered in life, wad is a real fren all about?

it's easy to say, "a fren is someone who is always there for you when you need them" or "a fren is someone who supports you when you are down" but how many of us actuallie gets to find such frenz? often times, we are just close frenz on the surface, hardly any of us tries hard enough to reallie get to know that person..we dun do much ger talks, just crapping all the doubt i know your likes and dislikes for most..but i feel so bu4 zhi1 suo3 useless when something reallie crops up..

shldn't a real fren know wad to do, wad to do when the situation arise, wad to do to make someone who is feeling down feel better...? sometimes i reallie hate myself for being such a useless tho there's nothing i can do to help...very sian of being an "on the surface" fren...


Friday, November 24, 2006

Juz another blog -.-

Hi guys~

It's been a long time since I posted any entry.

Just wanted to tell you guys abt my "adventure" this morning, haha..
I attended a court meeting juz now, althought it's called a court meeting but it's not held at a court =.= It's like a shareholder's meeting of a company where the shareholders meet to pass a resolution. And there are proxies and stuff, it's really an eye opener! Then all of us must wear suit and covered shoes, so quite a formal thing. AND my suit finally "pai shang yong chang", otherwise it's really going to turn mouldy soon.. haha~~

Anyway, they are suppose to vote for this resolution, then the few of us are to go and tally the votes after tt. Then... I dunno, maybe like a zillion reporters came and took photos.. gosh~~ I tink I am gg to faint loz. I also dunno how many la but I heard the camera snapping away.. >.<" I din even dare raise my head~ haha... Think I am gonna be on CNN or something tonight~~ T.T HELPPPPP!!!

Oh well, now back in office wking again~~ dunno if we'll get our pay today?!? Hehe, hopefully! And it's finally FRIDAY! Weekends are coming, they really are the highlights of the week man. =P Maybe some of you might be having a bad week, while other could be enjoying out there~ but whatever, let's all enjoy our lovely weekends and recharge ourselves for the upcoming weeks yep!

Ms Ahhh~

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


wad happened girl?
u may not wish to say out wads in ur heart...but if u need a listening ear, we will owis b dere for u.

take care pals......hope to see u guys soon! =)


My Nights

Stress has reached its critical level. Sleepless nights. Waking up in the middle of the night, not knowing what time it is. Looking out my window to see Wei’s window for any glimpse of light, for a hint of the time. No light. Must be very late. Alarm clock shows 7o’clock. Cellphone shows 12 o’clock. Mini display clock shows 1 o’clock. What is the time now? I really don’t know.

Dreams and nightmares disturbing me all night long. Black cats pounding on me. Smashing a stranger with a chair. Jingyi came back to Spore with a $800 air ticket. Louis called me say Jingyi unhappy, ask me to go find her. Where is she? I don’t know.

I just need a good rest every night. I only need to wake up at 6am everyday and not at midnight or at 4am… or at whatever other time.

It’s not the quantity of sleep but rather the quality of sleep.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Hiya folks!!

Why is the blog so quiet recently? Is everyone busy with work? Hmm... have u all seen my York photos? Heheee.. i love York! It's beautiful!

One exciting news to share! I'm going to Rome and Pisa (and Milan if there's time) next month! Just booked the flight last night.. Hehee soooo excited over seeing St Peter's church and Michaelangelo's paintings!

Sister Ling says you all are are going Bangkok! And WITHOUT ME! I want to go shopping there too! *SOB*

I'm planning my following month's weekend plan now. Want to go more places but i have 2 class tests coming soon!!! Arrgghh i hope i am a superwoman now.. can have plenty of time for everything!

K enough of crap.. Take good care folks and enjoy the weekend!

Written by: Dumpling JY
(Getting more dumpling-like lately as the weather is freezing coooooold)

Friday, November 03, 2006


Hmm Miss yuan, actually you can delete the extra post away.. hehe pls do that urself ba!

Early morning in the office, tired eyes and dead brain. Its the beginning of the month again. Great! Work Work Work! Still planning when should i take my leave (got to clear 3.5 days by this year end)... Hope i can go on a short holiday or something.

Emptiness fills up my life. Help!

---> Ling with the most precious eyes <---

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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