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X'mas Celebration 2006 ver2.1

More photos.. through the eyes of Eeling:

Everyone busy sms-ing.. sometimes i really wish that cellphones dont exist. So that i'm not obliged to answer calls, reply sms and report my location. Pui!
Anyway didnt manage to catch Bobo's sms-ing moment.. nyahaha

Nice stunt from wynne, best pose of the day!

Once-in-a-blue-moon pretty Wei... i must admit really chio.. pui!

1. Ahh.. *wah3* my hair is messy.. *frownz*
2. Time to re-pin my hair.. lalalala
3. Hmmm.. nice and pretty again... Tah dah!

Christmas is a day of giving and sharing. I hope i did give you gals laughter and fun.
Empty heart pumps the most blood.