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Happy New Year to All

Happy 2007!!!!

i reckon that i've lost my momentum to write the rest of the bangkok trip... oh so "ban tu er fei"... aiyah heck~

2006 has been a, i wod say, hectic year, in the begining, it was job seraching in the midst of the final sems, plus a hell load of projects... then soon after my final paper, i started working and thereafter it was Project Red Cross Love...

find that, there's not much personal time for myself, and i really meant myself... at work, it pleasing others and doing things in other people's way instead of mine.... i need more space to think, to reflect and dream...

so here's the new year resolution, to spend more time with myself,to love myself more and more forgiving to my mistake and others' too...

Happy new year all... hope 2007 will be a fruitful and exciting year for all of us..
