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Bangkok Trip DAY 2- ShOPpInG SprEE!!! Part 1

Hi Hi its me again....

day 2: morning we had heavy breakfast to store enough energy for our Chatuchak trip...

a stupid cabbie dropped us at the wrong side of the market and we end up routing ard what we called "fei xu", it's like dumping ground... so smelly so disgusting... then we passed by some cock fighting area which all of us are so scared cos of the avian flu... so we end up taking another cab which brought us to the main entrance...

Okie, our shopping spree starts now.... its shopping all the way....all the way... we like mad women... or maybe its me... haha....
hoping to look for some cheap and nice stuff but some stalls dun seem to entertain pple who bargain... so some failed bargain attempts... the toughest bargaining i reckon is the hello kitty toy which we try time and again to lower the price...but to no avail. its an interesting toy which maybe we should bring along to show u guys...

we find high and low, back and front to look for the clothes and accessories sections and we finally got there after much asking ard... ee and wei were practically crazy over earrings that i cant recall how many pairs did each of them bought... i bought one though... heh heh...

i wandered off a few times cos i dun fancy earrings that much, more into clothings for me.... and i bought a few cute t-shirts for my sis and myself....the next was pretty interesting, we went into this shop, one shopowner looks really cranky with his really curly hair... and the other was yan dao... one crazy and one yandao, we ended up buying clothing worth a total of 1290 baht... good buy cos there are all office wear...lala supper happy....

then we moved on.... chatuchak is a very amazing place, well basically shopping in thai street market was an eye-opener, just as you think you have reach an end, there are actually more... its a " wu zi jing" (endless) kind of feeling... we then stopped at another stall that sells formal office wear at a really really cheap price.... i bought 2 formal shirts and one jacket at 180 each which was like less than 10 SGD.... wa hahah.... the rest of the gals also... i shall leave it to them to tell you guys....

that's not e end... the other 3 ladies went to shop for their skirts... and ended up in a bargaining war where our sense of logic was totally lost... we have pple claiming that 5 skirts and 6 skirts are actually "same same"....

the story goes like this... we gotten in total 5 skirts... the owner said if we get another pc, he will charge us 80 baht per pc, which was priced originally at 89 baht... and u know the thing is, communication between them and us is haiz... tedious cos they dun understand too chiam english.... so when i said: 5 and 6 pc dun make much difference... they dun understand... so we tried to handsign and speak in their slang... then ee tried to hand sign lor... five and six same same....LOL~... in the end lucky we won... else really waste energy lor....

shopping goes on and we skipped lunch that day... too many things to carry.... legs were totally rotten....

in total: spent more than 2000 baht, bought countless t-shirts, one shorts for 50 baht, one victoria classic bag for 159 baht, and alot more...

first half of 2nd day was fantastic.... 4/5...

to be continued..... ~~*

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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