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X'mas Celebration 2006~~~~

hehe...decided to post abt the bangkok trip after collating the photos from yuan and bao...=\ hurry upload and send us lehz..hehe

anywayz...our c'mas celeb..tho in the end, we din do much that day..but here's some of the photos we took...=P

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i put this cos i like the starry stirrer..=P i know i bo liao...but...not the first day u all know me...hehehe

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Ee and me in "same same" top but different colour...pui pui~

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me, wynne and bao~

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yz, bao and ee...hmm...

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spot the whitey among the blackiess...

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er....where did this arabian woman come from..??

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supposed to do the "ugliest" face we can ...but...hahaa

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natural photo...hehe

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need i say more? two crazy women....hohoho

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another natural photo..

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@ ee's house...

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6 gals gone mad...?

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i think very natural photo...seldom see yz smile so brightly in photos~ smile more!

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all our presents~~ yay~~

got more photos..but reallie a bit lazy..hehe..next time post onbangkok trip~ i promiseeeeeeeeeeeee...

Pinkie Wei =P

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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