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Friends: Dedicated to Everyone

Before everyone starts posting about the Bangkok trip. I just want to share my thoughts with you guys.

I was late this morning to work. While on the train, I had this suddenly feeling... this great feeling... hmm also hard to describe.

I remember long time ago, I was talking to Jingyi.. and we were saying this group of us only meet up few times a year to celebrate birthdays. It was like a weird kind of friendship, that seems kinda surreal.

But right now, I think that this has changed. Friendship evolves, closer bond.. better understanding and care. More enthusiasm from everyone. More effort. I like this kinda feeling. Its good. Thanks everyone. Good feeling, very good indeed.


About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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