Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bangkok Trip DAY 2- ShOPpInG SprEE!!! Part 1

Hi Hi its me again....

day 2: morning we had heavy breakfast to store enough energy for our Chatuchak trip...

a stupid cabbie dropped us at the wrong side of the market and we end up routing ard what we called "fei xu", it's like dumping ground... so smelly so disgusting... then we passed by some cock fighting area which all of us are so scared cos of the avian flu... so we end up taking another cab which brought us to the main entrance...

Okie, our shopping spree starts now.... its shopping all the way....all the way... we like mad women... or maybe its me... haha....
hoping to look for some cheap and nice stuff but some stalls dun seem to entertain pple who bargain... so some failed bargain attempts... the toughest bargaining i reckon is the hello kitty toy which we try time and again to lower the price...but to no avail. its an interesting toy which maybe we should bring along to show u guys...

we find high and low, back and front to look for the clothes and accessories sections and we finally got there after much asking ard... ee and wei were practically crazy over earrings that i cant recall how many pairs did each of them bought... i bought one though... heh heh...

i wandered off a few times cos i dun fancy earrings that much, more into clothings for me.... and i bought a few cute t-shirts for my sis and myself....the next was pretty interesting, we went into this shop, one shopowner looks really cranky with his really curly hair... and the other was yan dao... one crazy and one yandao, we ended up buying clothing worth a total of 1290 baht... good buy cos there are all office wear...lala supper happy....

then we moved on.... chatuchak is a very amazing place, well basically shopping in thai street market was an eye-opener, just as you think you have reach an end, there are actually more... its a " wu zi jing" (endless) kind of feeling... we then stopped at another stall that sells formal office wear at a really really cheap price.... i bought 2 formal shirts and one jacket at 180 each which was like less than 10 SGD.... wa hahah.... the rest of the gals also... i shall leave it to them to tell you guys....

that's not e end... the other 3 ladies went to shop for their skirts... and ended up in a bargaining war where our sense of logic was totally lost... we have pple claiming that 5 skirts and 6 skirts are actually "same same"....

the story goes like this... we gotten in total 5 skirts... the owner said if we get another pc, he will charge us 80 baht per pc, which was priced originally at 89 baht... and u know the thing is, communication between them and us is haiz... tedious cos they dun understand too chiam english.... so when i said: 5 and 6 pc dun make much difference... they dun understand... so we tried to handsign and speak in their slang... then ee tried to hand sign lor... five and six same same....LOL~... in the end lucky we won... else really waste energy lor....

shopping goes on and we skipped lunch that day... too many things to carry.... legs were totally rotten....

in total: spent more than 2000 baht, bought countless t-shirts, one shorts for 50 baht, one victoria classic bag for 159 baht, and alot more...

first half of 2nd day was fantastic.... 4/5...

to be continued..... ~~*

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bangkok Trip DAY 1

Internet disconnected, computer reformatted... How difficult it is for me to post an entry.... @#$*#&$%. I reckon that it's becos im round, so the computer hates me...


since im e only one still eng-ing ard, starting work only in thurs, think i shall start abit on our bangkok trip...

Its my maiden ride... first time on the plane was.. well fantastic... though its was night, the scenic view was nice.... really nice... managed to see stars and some shooting stars too... no giddiness, no sign of nauseaness...good good

first day we went sight see-ing, took their MRT, very clean and easy to access and people actually queue up to enter the train...but the train is kinda of short, and the platform is longer than the train unlike ours. so if u wanna jump off the track and commit suicide is pretty easy than in Singapore la... but pple there not so bo liao.

our first stop was the boat ride around chao phraya river, not so "chao", no smell... then we stooped to view the temple of dawn aka wat arun... it was gorgeous, but e weather was too sunny, lucky there was wind. no photo cos i dunnoe how to upload, shall zip the whole thing and give to ee to uploan bah...

anyway, oh then we went to reclining buddha, sounds nice?. well that buddha was in a very nice and relaxed position, but its too big to shoOt the whole thing. Ee literally got a shock when she saw that... that was a nice one too.

following which, we went to the grand palace... too walk very long, till baobao suffered from mild dehydration... its nice la... but by the time walk there, nice oso become not too nice le...

nvm, anyway our aim not so much of sight seeing, its shopping and eating, hahah :) so went MBK nxt, jiu yang da ming de MBK... eeey, nothing fantastic... yes its big... but not all the things are enticing and the price is slightly steeper, things they sell are majority what you could get in Singapore far east... and there are alot of "jiong" stuff..which aiyah... not what we want... nonetheless, we still shop till legs rotten lor... women are women... through this trip, we've discovered that when it comes to shopping, women can cover distance longer than the marathon, no fight, haha

think our greatest buy is the 700 baht victoria beckham jeans which we all like...hee... what else.... the other 3 ladies who have smaller legs, shop crazily for their heels... for 199 baht... where the hell u get such deal...? alas, not meant for pple with elephant legs like sad :(... so no heels for me....

din buy much on the first day... a cap, polo tee, a singlet, that's all...
after which when all our legs are rotten, we went to central chidlom... to food loft, WAA food was nice, waitors yan dao too... *drool*... then we shopping again... came across this very wow hello kitty corner... anyone can literally go crazy there cos its really very pretty, wei will agree.. oso din buy much cos its a shopping center so price is just like singapore..

transport were cheap cheap but our lives were at stake too.... hard to describe, u muz be in it to feel it... close to those driving stunt or car chase we see in movies... thumbs up for that...

ratings for DAY 1: 2.5/5

*~~ END OF DAY ONE ~~*


Friends: Dedicated to Everyone

Before everyone starts posting about the Bangkok trip. I just want to share my thoughts with you guys.

I was late this morning to work. While on the train, I had this suddenly feeling... this great feeling... hmm also hard to describe.

I remember long time ago, I was talking to Jingyi.. and we were saying this group of us only meet up few times a year to celebrate birthdays. It was like a weird kind of friendship, that seems kinda surreal.

But right now, I think that this has changed. Friendship evolves, closer bond.. better understanding and care. More enthusiasm from everyone. More effort. I like this kinda feeling. Its good. Thanks everyone. Good feeling, very good indeed.


Sunday, December 10, 2006


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Christmas Wish List

Christmas is just around the corner.. Everyone please add in your wishes, be it material things or other dreams and ambitions.

By order of alphabetical:

/Feng(aka YZ)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Driver, passenger and destination ver2.1

Does it really matters whether the driver uses his heart or mind to decide on the directions? Either way is better than one that uses no heart and no mind.

Yes, the driver is on his way, but passenger still can jump off if he wants to.. perhaps there may be slight or fatal injures, but staying in the car requires much more courage than jumping off. Coz the passenger will never know where this ride will take him to, or whether this is a safe ride. But, ultimately, passenger chooses to stay on with the driver.

As long as the driver allows the passenger to get into the car, passenger will always want to enjoy the travelling process with the driver.. no matter how many destinations there are in the future...

Answer: We are all driving on an endless road, a place filled with fog.. but after the fog.. we might all get to see a rainbow or might just drop off from the cliff...

Question: Will it be a lonely journey or a ride with passengers and fellow drivers?

-Licensed Driver but loyal passager-

Driver, passenger and destination

The driver uses his heart to decide where to go and drive to where he wish to go. He then use his brain to logically plan the route ahead and which road to take after deciding his destination with his heart. The mind follows the heart.

Or should the heart follow the mind instead? Logically, reasonably and practically, where should the driver go? Different drivers use different methods to decide on his destination.

No matter what triggers the decision to drive, it is on its way and the passenger has to stay in the car, if not there will only be injuries if the passenger tries to jump off.

Note, it is the journey that matters. Destination only matters in the short run because after reaching his destination, the driver repeats the whole process again with a further destination in his heart or mind now.

Question: Where are we all driving to now?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

You cant look back...

Sometimes when you drive a car, and you turn into a 1-way road, there is no way to U-turn. Even if you can go back to the original starting position, it will take you too much time and by then, the starting point may not be there anymore.
Once decided, we should stay to the path, be it rocky or smooth. You did not take the other road, thus there is no way to compare which one is better. If you trust the driver, the passengers and the road signs, everything will be great, nothing will change at all. Perhaps the grasslands will change into snow and ice or the forests into deserts, but the driver will not change.. passengers will not change... at least i know that passengers will always believe in their driver, always always..

Passengers may seem to act differently or sleep through the whole journey, they just dont want to distract the driver while driver is driving, so that driver can have full concentration. They believe they can reach the destination together with the driver, though not the starting point but it will be a place as good as the starting point or even better... if worse, it doesnt matter too, at least the driver still have the passengers.

Driver should keep eyes on the road and not always looking back into rear mirror to check on the passengers. Driver should not worry, as the passengers will never alight from the car. They are always there.

Driver must be careful when driving on the road, fasten safety belt. Speed and slow down when necessary. Dont quarrel with road bullies or get pissed off by road hoggers, they are just little obstructions in your path. Take good care of the car engine and tyres too, dont let the car go too dirty/dusty too.

Remember, the passengers cherish this journey much more than the driver, and they look forward to the next stop in the journey. Till then, we will see....

-Licenced driver but loyal passenger-

Back... Lost touched.

I know i haven't been contributing much to this blog. Well, this won't be dead.. Let me keep it alive!

It's been two months plus since i left and i seemed to have totally lost touch with everyone and everything. Feeling a little sad sometimes when i think of it, but that's life. By the way, do you know i was truly very very happy when this blog was initially started. Haven't had the chance to tell you all this yet, but i was really happy to see this blog. Although it has been quiet lately, i will always check for new updates often. Hopefully this blog will keep me more in touch with everything back at home.

I just finished watching a Korean series (a reward for me after finishing my most difficult test of the semester, but that's not the point). Suddenly it makes sense to me that time and absence can really fade a relationship, no matter how close or how strong it is. From the point of the person who has left, everything back at home should remain as it is and not change much; but in actual fact, everything back home has changed as time tickles off. From the point of view of the person at home, everything will be the same after getting use to the absence and life still goes on with many ups and downs. Just different life at different time zones. As the eyes don't meet, the hearts drift apart. Is this true?

Right, too dramatic and emotional a post to add here. But i am truly feeling this way now (perhaps the Korean series is too emotional and this is the after-effect i am feeling). Sometimes i wonder, what would my life be if i haven't decide to continue my studies? Would i be happier or not?

Okie.. i shall stop all these nonsense. Now it's time for me to update myself with everything back there. How's everyone doing recently? It's Dec now and do you guys have any Xmas plan? Next week will be my last week for Semester 1 (Wheww... SO FAST!) and i'll be going to Rome and back in uk for Xmas. Not sure if it will snow during Xmas.. I hope it will just snow a bit so it won't be too cold. It's very windy here recently. Sometimes i feel as if i'm going to be blown off by the wind anytime and all hair is super duper messy when i finally get to sch.

Alright take care folks and remember to update me more about your happenings!

From the voice far far away.

Monday, December 04, 2006

We can, if we want to...

Seems like so quiet nowadays. Wei say this blog is going to die soon. I shall keep it alive then... Its our only channel to speak n listen freely.

But i dont know why.. right now, i cant seem to think of anything to say or write. Perhaps, this is not the place to voice my words. Or perhaps my mind is just in a blank.

I always like to share my feelings and unhappy thoughts with close friends. But i never reveal my true inner self to most. I'm scared of people's opinions of me. I just want to be accepted and to see everyone happy. Do you know how much i hate myself at times? How many times a day i said to myself, "I hate you"..? How many times a day i wonder to myself, "What is happening".. ? How many times a day i clench my fists? How many times a day i rub my thumb..? How many times a day i tell myself to be optimistic and happy..?

Wei just told me she going course tmr, which means NO-ONE talking to me on msn tmr during working hrs! It may seem stupid, but having you guys to talk on msn makes my day totally different! As i mentioned to wei, the happiest thing that happen to me recently.. was being able to go home together with bao or wei.. It makes a boring and pissed-off day into a much better one.

After writing so many rubbish, i also dont know what i want to drive at..

What a child wants from her father is only for him to love her mother.

a rubbish girl

About me

  • This blog is set up to keep everyone updated about each others' life and stuffs.
  • Our fav games are "Minimise" and Mahjong. Right now, Wei is our "minimise" Queen!


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